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Deb V.
This Site Last Updated – 08/25/2013 Deborah Venable Archived DebV Articles - Rant Page In Loving Memory Of the Three
Musketeers In Loving
Memory – Vance and Ken Who
I Am – Personal Info Page – Updated 2013 Professional Parenting Articles Another in the exclusive
series of articles that further explores the subject of parenting. How To Raise Good Kids Deborah Venable 08/25/13 Okay I’m tired of
pussyfooting around this subject. I
began writing about it decades ago, even published a book about it almost a
decade ago, and still things get worse, the government gets more powerful,
and more kids are allowed to be little beasts who grow up to be brutal
animals or whining, useless human debris!
Once and for all – here are the rules to good parenting. Take them or leave them, but stop thinking
you or the government or the “professionals” know more than I do! Rule #1 Don’t have children unless you want to be
a PARENT! That means; don’t do
anything that can possibly result in a child unless YOU WANT TO BE A PARENT! Rule #2 Once the decision has been made and the
kid is on the way make damned good and sure there are TWO NORMAL human beings
that will welcome the child into this world and take responsibility for
teaching that child about reality and life.
That doesn’t mean that you decide to “find yourself” through the
“role” of being a father or mother, or that you feel compelled to “extend”
your “line” because that’s what other people expect you to do. That simply means that this is the hardest
job you will ever undertake and you had better be willing to go into it with
your eyes wide open and responsibility riding your shoulders at all times. Rule #3 At this point I must bring up a fact that
you should know but may not in this world of ours today. You can’t all of a sudden decide that YOU
are more important than that new little life you have spawned. If you happen to decide it’s inconvenient
– TOUGH. If medical professionals
tell you something is “wrong” with the child – TOUGH. If it suddenly dawns on you that you don’t
have a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out, and therefore can’t
“afford” a child – TOUGH. Refer back
to Rules 1 and 2. Rule #4 The baby arrives and there you are a
parent! Don’t make assumptions about
ANYTHING at this point. Everything,
and I do mean EVERYTHIING at this point is temporary EXCEPT for the fact that
YOU are responsible for that new life.
You may have feelings that run the gamut from euphoria to depression
and everything in between. Suck it
all up and GET OVER IT. Your family
may be proud and supportive or disappointed and a pain in your backside. GET OVER IT. That baby is precious and innocent, but it is NOT SWEET! GET OVER IT. It is a demanding, sometimes annoying, thorn in your side that
YOU MUST deal with – and patience is your only weapon. Rule #5 Addendum to Rule #4 – It will ALL be worth
it and you MUST believe and realize this!
Rule #6 At this point I must say, READ THE DAMNED
BOOK! I say that because I handled
all that comes next with greater sensitivity, time, patience, and wisdom than
I have at this point while writing this shocking article so many years after
writing the book. Rule #7 Your time is NOT your own at this
point. Suck that up too and don’t
whine about it. There is NOBODY that
you can hire at this time to do the job of parenting your child better than
you can. NOBODY! You can’t just dump the child on anybody
willing to watch him and expect the child to receive what he deserves. He (or she) deserves what YOU contracted
for – YOU taking care of him, loving him, guiding him and raising him to
adulthood. PERIOD! Let me take a little break
from the rules at this point and tell you why I decided to write this
article. I am so sick and tired of
reading and hearing the news every day of the week about some little brat
(and at my age, that includes some pretty old brats) that has done some
outrageous thing or another that completely destroyed somebody else or whole
families of innocent somebody elses.
Do you want to know whom I instantly blame for what they do? THEIR
PARENTS! That’s who. If any one of my kids (and I have five of ‘em) did anything to
hurt anyone else, it would be ON ME till the day I die. Their dad is dead so I am all that’s left
to blame. You see I take this
responsibility thing to the grave with me.
I would be the one standing before my Maker explaining why a child I
raised could do an evil thing. If
everyone felt the same way as I do, evil would be wiped out in one
generation! Rule #8 Babyhood is fleeting. It is gone before you know it. ENJOY IT!
Rule #9 Toddlerhood is fleeting. It is gone before you know it. ENJOY IT! Rule #10 The formative years of pre-teendom is
fleeting. It is gone before you know
it. ENJOY IT! Rule #11 The teenage years are so very important –
and they are fleeting. Gone before you
know it. ENJOY THEM! Rule #12 Learn to EXPECT the best out of your kids
and let them damned well know when you don’t get it. If you expect the worst, THAT is what you
will always get. Also you had better
know what that “best” standard is and model it for your kids every day. Good and bad, right and wrong
DO exist! Kids don’t pop out into the
world knowing the difference. They
have to be taught, and that’s where YOU come in. If you have followed all
these rules to the letter, you now have a grown child and a good child. But, if he EVER needs you for ANYTHING
until the day you die, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE!
Suck it all up. Enjoy it
all. And for God’s sake – RAISE GOOD
CHILDREN! My children were raised by
parents who believe and believed everything in this article. I also believe that their father helped me
write it. All we can both hope is
that enough people read it and take it seriously. Professional Parenting Articles Raising the Hope –
Safeguarding the Family |
Freedom Of The EagleCourage Of The Lone WolfAmerican
©2002-2013 Latest Rant from DebV Catching a Wave Or Wiping Out?
– 08/25/13 At this point in time, let’s backtrack a little – oh, say
almost 400 years, shall we? Understanding the Liberal
Philosophy It is time to revisit
this one from several years ago! Thanks again Lewie! "Guns are a lot
like parachutes ~ If you need one and don't have one, you'll probably never
need one again" The best presentation on
gun control yet. Even if you don't like guns, watch this! Should be required
viewing by both sides of the issue of gun control legislation Here is a man who knows
the constitution. Watch the faces on some Senators in the audience. Excerpt From Alan's Finds
– Excellent! Kate Smith introduces
God Bless America. Independence Day Real
Blast From the Past! The
Right Side – Updated 05/27/13 The
Rush Limbaugh Phenomenon (Scroll On Right) Special Memorial Day
Blasts From the Past Short
Stuff – Updated 11/11/12 Excellent
– by Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, U.S. Army (ret.) about Vietnam Vets. Short
– From Ronald Reagan. Old Favorite – Audio from Paul Harvey – “If I Were the Devil” from many years
ago. Truth
Represented In a Painting – Excellent! Government Dependency - Short video explains so
much. ObamaNation – Don’t miss this one. The Mindset List – Explaining the current
crop of young folks. General
Jerry Boykin – Explains Marxism. Then watch the second
video where he goes into much
more detail. Well worth the time! Short Video About Immigration
– Explains the Federal suit against Arizona. Obama's
Position On Guns
– Laura Ingram interviews John Lott. National
– by Madison Rising. I almost didn’t
look at this when I saw the link. I
thought, not another badly done version of the Star Spangled Banner! But it is inspiring to this old gal – rock
music at its best. The lead singer is
a Navy veteran and the group would like a million hits on this by the
November election. Let’s help! Citizenship
– could you pass it? Excellent Speech - Text and video by
Wellesley High School teacher, David McCullough, Jr. The “You’re Not Special” speech. If I Wanted America To Fail
– Excellent video that recently came under much scrutiny and controversy. Congress
Acts –
From March 7, 2012 – probably in reaction to THIS – if you haven’t seen it,
catch a breath and look! More Enlightenment – On Obama’s agenda from
Dinesh D’Souza’s CPAC address. These are facts that must be researched
and brought to the attention of every American. The
Lunch Scholars
– Another one of those, “are they really that dumb?” moments. Second
– From young college students attending the University of Tennessee. Great short clip from some young’uns who
finally get it! More Young Folks – To give us all a little
hope and wake up call in case you have forgotten too much about American
Heritage – beautifully done! Thirty-one
Year-Old Short Clip
– And the same old argument! Watch
and learn! This
Concerns a Lot Of People – Some of them are even in D.C.
It remains to be seen just how serious this will turn out to be! Flash Mob – Holiday flash mob at
the Denver airport – well worth the watch! Good Compilation
Article – Contains some laughs
from 2011 – Enjoy! So There! – At least some in
elected office still have a backbone! Long Read
But Worth It
– This is what heroism looks like! The
War IS On
– This is just a smattering , but a good compilation of “war fronts” against
Christmas! The .45% - Excellent commentary on
eye-opening statistics! Are You
Smarter Than a 5th Grader (Or...) – Excellent, smart article by Tom Tancredo! Don’t miss it. Good
– Article about this administration’s violations against Second
Amendment. Follow it up with this
piece. What will be banned next –
pillows? Another
Excellent Test On Government – See how well you can do and compare that with the pitiful
“average” results! Another
EPA Horror Story
– If we only had an equally powerful FPA, (Freedom Protection Agency) to
counter these crooks! Oh, wait – we
do! It’s called courageous
individuals! Penalizing
Kids For What???
– Epitome of ridiculous right here folks!
Question: Do you know why you
still send your kids to school? Budweiser Commercial – This aired only once
during Super Bowl IIIVI, just months after 911. The company did not want to benefit financially from it. It is simple and beautiful – if you’ve
never seen it before or even if you have. Obama Budget Plan – Ray Stevens at it
again! Great song! Childhood
– By Before and After 911, this author nails it in what he refers to as the
“paradigm shift generation.”
Excellent article! Step
Away From the Pliers!
– Gotta hand it to zero tolerance in schools these days – but it also
requires zero brains! NYC
Mayor Excluding Clergy From 911 Ceremony? – New meaning for zero
tolerance – also equals zero brains! Man
Faces 2 Years In Prison – For shooting a grizzly bear and defending his family and
property. See above for more zero
brains. If you found Short Stuff
useful, a short note would be appreciated! Recent Under The Wolf Archives
Blessed are they who give
without remembering, And take without forgetting. |
Features Big Kahuna
– Updated 08/25/13 Hi All you thinkers! I didn't realize those guys in Sacramento
read the Bible. Alan’s Finds – Updated 08/25/13 If you miss this page, you are doing yourself a great injustice.
So much variety here! Interesting,
important, and funny! Humor – Updated 08/25/13 Mr. Veritas – Updated 08/25/13 Psychology 101 – Read and learn! Brett Venable The Great Divide – 10/27/12 There
seems to exist a certain naïveté in the modern political climate concerning
the nature of ideological polarization. Andrew Kermish They Call It Education – 05/19/12 I am
a 24 year old Alabama guy who graduated in 2007 from one of the best public
schools in the state - not that it means much anymore. Little Fish – Updated 03/11/12 A real cowboy knows no fear! Josh Duncan – 04/24/11 On the last afternoon of
my active duty service I met my old man for a drink. Chris Kay For the People My Patriotic
Backside! – 03/22/10 I’m very conservative and
support our country, but cannot in good conscience support our current
government. Other Features not
recently updated may be found on the The Right Side The Rush Limbaugh
Phenomenon Deborah Venable 05/27/13 I
probably would not be writing this article if not for a short exchange I
recently had with an acquaintance. I
was doing what I always do at that time of day on a weekday – listening to
Rush on my earphones from my computer.
She interrupted me by speaking to me a couple of times, even though
she wasn’t in the house to see me but rather to attend to my disabled
friend. This acquaintance is merely
the home health care nurse. After the
second or third interruption, she asked me if I was listening to music or
something else that had my attention so completely. I answered that I was listening to Rush Limbaugh. As
most pseudo intellectuals will tend to do these days, upon the mention of his
name, she immediately laughed and proceeded to say something to the effect
that he could tell a good joke every now and then, but she was by no means a
fan. He is just too much of a know it
all and has no credibility. She cited
his “addiction problems with Oxycodone” as evidence. She said he really had to change his tune
on THAT one. I
didn’t bother to reply and merely readjusted my headphones before I missed
anything else the “know it all” had to say.
nurse is a very nice lady. She comes
in and takes care of my friend’s medical needs when she is supposed to, and
leaves when she is done, so I have nothing against her. I have no idea what her political leanings
are and have no desire to get into a long discussion with her on any
subject. She is friendly, does her
job, and leaves. It
was only after this incident that I began to think about all the other folks
I have heard and seen comment on Rush – both positively and negatively. Snap judgments are more often based on
what someone else says about a person than on what that person says or
does. That is just the way it is in
today’s America. Realistic and
correct judgment requires knowing the person. In Rush’s case, I feel I do know him even though we have never
met. For
instance, does the aforementioned nurse or anyone who comments on Rush’s
“addiction problems with Oxycodone” know how that all came about and how he
handled it? I can understand a
medical professional’s interest in this aspect of his life, but most of what
was said about his addiction was negative and conferred the label of
hypocrite on Rush for his previous statements about how he felt about drug
addiction. That is the price of fame
and success. His addiction came about
from years of dealing with pain while remaining in the limelight. After a botched surgery to fix the pain
problems, they only got worse – thus he was hooked on pain relievers. That isn’t exactly the same as taking the
drugs for the high. I
will interject here that I have always agreed with Rush’s original damnation
of drug addiction. One needs only to
read much of what I have written on the subject to get that. I never condone it, and I don’t condone
Rush’s addiction. It has been speculated
by others that it may have even caused his sudden loss of hearing. If that’s the case, I do think he has paid
his price to society, eh? He publicly
proclaimed his addiction and did what he had to do to overcome it. So that is ancient history, and I doubt
that his “tune” has changed a bit on drug addiction. As
to the character of the man, Rush is a conservative first and foremost – not
a political hack. What comes out of
his mouth are his true values, and this becomes evident the longer you listen
to what he says. His personal
relationship failures always make a great target for his detractors, but it
never seems to shake his core beliefs.
Obviously he thought long and hard before taking the plunge with
Katherine, so I wish them only the best for a long and successful
marriage. Judgment of his public
character must be based on his successes as well as his failures, but it
seldom is. He is attacked as being a
“hypocrite” for singing the praises of committed, traditional marriage even
as he privately suffers the effects of multiple marriage failures. Where is the hypocrisy? One would have to know all the facts in
the failures to make that assumption, and he doesn’t air his dirty laundry. The truth is that if there had never been a Rush Limbaugh, there probably would have never been as great an awakening to the massacre of family values, conservative principles, and dangerous political philosophies that have brought this country to the brink of ruin. The frog was already in the pot when Rush came along, but he has been prodding it to jump out and trying to cool the pot ever since. While doing all this, he managed to open the door for others to follow and cheerfully led the way. Rush
never pretends to be something he is not even though those who seem to hate
him are appalled at some of his seemingly conceited claims (America’s Real
Anchorman, Leader of the Republican Party, etc.) the REAL Rush is actually
the Harmless, Loveable Fuzzball. The
real Rush is also, more often than not, right. Story Time – 08/22/09 This
one is “Stranger Than Fiction, Like Driving In a Fog.” Quick Links For News & Commentary – MainstreamUPI AP ABC News
MSNBC CBS News with grain of
salt! Fox News – Sometimes Fair & Balanced Always
Interesting News & Commentary American Thinker World Net
Daily NewsMax
Drudge Report Front
Page Mag Rush
Glenn VDARE WaterRights&More Geoff
Metcalf Devvy Judicial
Watch Ellis Washington Honoring Veterans Who Gave All Thomas Sowell NewsBlaze Conservative Times Conservatives Forum Politics1 Tracker Lee
To Add A Link Here,
Let Me know. (No Ads!) Previous Content Lookup Pages Edited and
updated January 2013 Meet Your U.S.
Congressional Reps Meet the Executive
Branch Do not follow where the
path may lead. Go, instead, where
there is no path and leave a trail. Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you,
Jesus Christ and the American G.I. |