A Rant
To Dwell On
where have they gone? It would seem as if an anathema has been placed on the
current generation. They seem to find doing the correct thing and
what's right often very painful, even
offensive. It's a sad commentary on
this current generation that they can no longer differentiate between the good
guys and the bad guys, between good and evil.
am of that generation that remembers Pearl Harbor. I can remember the correct
and necessary decision to drop the first atomic bomb on Japan, because the
effect would be to bring an end to a devastating war. That conflict was
claiming too many lives of brave American fighting men. This act, in spite of
the devastation it wrought, brought an end to a horrible war and eventually
brought about a productive nation. Because President Truman had to courage to
take this action, the world has never again seen a global conflict. Today there
are those (a bit benighted) who call Mr. Bush our courageous president a
"cowboy." I can't think of
a more appropriate title, for up until this current generation of crybabies,
whiners and emotional cripples, cowboys have always been heroes and most wore
white hats! Today the leaders in our education systems will not permit
childhood games of cowboys and Indians because it supposedly teaches violence
and aggression. They want to have sports where they do not keep score so there
will be no winners or losers, so we do not damage someone's ego. Self-esteem
has become more important than reality. A child gets sent home from
school because he points his finger at another student and goes "bang
bang." With those rules people like me would still be serving life
sentences, because as a kid I did that more than I care to count! We now have
liberal historians rewriting our American history, attempting to make it more
politically correct so as to not offend any race or ethnic group. Truth (what
is that today) is being subverted in the name of political correctness and the
public stands by and allows it happen. This country is at a crossroads - it can
return to being what God intended it to be (God fearing people of faith), or it
can continue down the path it is on now and risk losing God's protection. We
can continue to kill more by abortion in one month than will be killed in the
ongoing conflict, or we can return to the values taught by our grandparents.
Never lose sight of the fact that when they were in charge, the county did very
It's decision time, lets not allow time to run out.
Of Big Kahuna Rants
What Comes Next? 03/22/03
Illegals Do Plenty
For Us? 03/11/03
Who Are The
Trust But Verify 02/19/03
Citizens Become
Aware Thats Us 02/09/03
Missing The America
I Remember
Safety & Travel 1/05/03
Demagogues and
Envied By the Rest
Of the World
Its All In The
We Are Involved
Who Will Weed The
Garden? 11/06/02
Going, Going, Going 10/29/02