A Rant
Rants On Important Topics
Gore and his latest tirade lead me and others to feel he is in need of some
sort of new medicine. He is so consumed with hatred and envy of Mr. Bush that
he and his followers are fast becoming raving lunatics.
know things are going bad for him when the New York Times puts him down.
He desperately needs help.
to Al Gore rant and rave, I am prompted to ask are we becoming a people who are
going crazy as time passes? There are figures that point out, Depression,
anxiety, eating disorders are all on the rise. Perhaps brought on by the
seeming rise of liberal socialism in our country today! We don't like to admit
or say it, but an estimated six percent of all men and ten percent of all
women, suffer from depression. Hell,
from what I read, ten to twenty percent of all kids have some kind of mental
illness or behavioral disorder. This shouldn't surprise too many of us. Take a
long hard look at some of the parents, who in my opinion are the real
delinquents in families today. In the US alone,
something like 20 million people suffer from some kind of anxiety disorder. I
think about all the time when, I see those with phones in their hands while
driving, praying that it's not their shrink they are speaking with.
we have "Medals" Kerry, his mentor Teddy (failed his swimming test)
Kennedy, Hillary (I don't remember) added to Al (the loser) Gore spreading
their highly infectious views on us every chance they get. God! I pray (NOT PC)
every day to protect our country and return us to some resemblance of what we
once were.
is only five months from the Presidential election, and most Americans don't
know who John Kerry is or where he stands. His campaign is, apparently, trying
to hide him from public view. Every time he does make an appearance, he
seems to shoot himself in the foot -- e.g. his comment that he voted for
funding the troops before he voted against it. Thus, his campaign
managers appear to be trying to shield him from media coverage to prevent
further gaffes -- which is absurd, because the American people have a right to
know where their Presidential candidates stand on the issues and what their
plans are to lead the country forward. Senator Kerry must come out of hiding
and tell the American people who he is and what he intends to do if
elected. His current tactic of avoiding public contact is unacceptable.
can add this latest convention scheme to a long list of Kerry double standards.
Here are just a few examples: He is a
Roman Catholic but has consistently voted pro-choice, even voting against
banning partial-birth abortions; his church won't allow him to take Communion
while maintaining such views. He claims
to be an advocate of a strong military, but his voting record in the Senate
shows otherwise. He panders to
environmentalists for their votes while he owns and travels in SUVs. He is dodging the same-sex
"marriage" issue, which became law in his home state of
Massachusetts. His wing of the Democratic Party favors legalizing homosexual
"marriage," but he won't come out of the closet and support it
because he knows the issue will hurt him in the polls if he does.
need to know what Mr. Kerry would do as president. Would he propose higher gasoline taxes on everyone or just the
wealthy? Would he gut the military or
strengthen it? Would he help the environment by giving up his SUVs or just
demand that everyone else do so? Would he work to overturn the ban on
partial-birth abortion and follow the teachings of his church? Would he try to
legalize same-sex "marriage" nationwide? Would he work to provide the
level of health care insurance he enjoys as a senator or just let the rest of
us "eat cake"?
far, I can't determine what Mr. Kerry would do as president, and that is a
scary prospect indeed!
is a lot of smoke rising out of the Democrats' camp lately, but there doesn't
seem to be any fire. Democrats have decided to run the most negative campaign
in history. Ted Kennedy has compared Americans to Ba'athists; Nancy Pelosi,
the Minority Leader in the House (and member of the Democratic Socialists of
America), has launched vicious ad hominem attacks against the President;
Senator Hollings burst into an Anti-Semitic tirade; Al Gore, worked up into a
demented fury, said, again, that the President has betrayed us"; and
Senator Tim Johnson has sunk so low as to call the GOP
"Taliban." This sort of rhetoric is nothing short of
appalling. If this is the best they have -- i.e. nothing of substance or
policy to say -- then these Democrats should not be in office. Further, John
Kerry -- who has apparently been in hiding -- has not distanced himself from
this acerbic rhetoric. We have no idea what the Democrats' plan for
America is -- but they certainly have mastered the art of the negative nasty
campaign. We need what they are offering like we need another attack on our
President Bush's plans for Iraq and for America's future are very clear, most
Americans have absolutely no idea what his apparent opponent, John Kerry, would
do differently. Aside from pretty commercials that tell us that he served in
Vietnam 30 years ago along with his 8mm home movies -- we have no idea what
he would do today. In fact, John Kerry
has not clearly articulated his position on any major issue whatsoever. Most
Americans feel that he tends to flip-flop because he refuses to define for us
any clear plan on any issue in any area.
he spends plenty of time bashing the President, but that doesn't give Americans
any reason to vote FOR him.
Kerry should be ashamed of himself if he intends to base his entire campaign on
hammering the President's poll numbers while saying nothing about what he would
do differently. Kerry needs to stop hiding, quit the bashing, and start talking
-- substantively. Trying real hard not to mention Viet Nam!
am most proud to be for President George Bush, precisely because I believe Iraq
and her people are critical to the war on terror. A liberated Iraq could lead
the two other terrorist backing states in the region, Syria and Iran, towards
freedom for their people perhaps even democracy. The Bush hating liberals may
be too myopic to have noticed but it's already brought Libya around and North
Korea to the negotiating table. The country can't afford John Kerry's waffling
"nuance" and the embracing of the derrieres of the America haters at
the UN!
is destructive, killing both soldiers and civilians, and wars cost a lot of
money. However, I weigh that against the cost of further turning the other
cheek. Take a long hard look at what the cost of not going to war would have
been. There is no question it would have led to more U.S. civilians dead,
because the terrorists and their minions would be free to attack us here at
home. We saw an escalation of attacks throughout the Clinton presidency. That
escalation would have continued had we not gone on the offensive. BELIEVE IT!
have a free and open society. In order to keep it that way, we have to protect
ourselves. We must win this fight! The alternative is unthinkable.
Of Big Kahuna Rants
The Kahunas
Why Is It Taking So Long 08/16/03
Euphemisms and Historical Revisions 08/03/03
A Double From The
Must It Be This
In The Kahunas
No Time Like the
We The People Have
Rights 04/27/03
Counting Our
Must Not Happen 04/12/03
Things To Dwell on
What Comes Next? 03/22/03
Illegals Do Plenty
For Us? 03/11/03
Who Are The
Trust But Verify 02/19/03
Citizens Become
Aware Thats Us 02/09/03
Missing The America
I Remember
Safety & Travel 1/05/03
Demagogues and
Envied By the Rest
Of the World
Its All In The
We Are Involved
Who Will Weed The Garden? 11/06/02
Going, Going, Going 10/29/02