Do You See the Enemy?

Deborah Venable



In America, we still enjoy an abundance of freedoms, the likes of which most of the world have never known.  On a world scale, this is still very much a magical place to be.  Far too many who call themselves Americans take too much for granted.  Instead of thankfully utilizing rights like freedom of speech, many choose to exploit such rights to the detriment of those who lay their lives on the line every day to insure the preservation of that freedom.  


From some of the halls of higher learning in this country, there emanates such a putrid stupidity from many who profess to be learned educators that it makes me wonder why anyone should seek a college education any more.  Then I look at the decidedly uneducated Hollywood vocal left, (many of the most vocal have never attended or completed college), and I wonder just where these ideas of socialism and hatred of American values and culture are learned.  Wherever the classroom that abounds with this stuff is located, it must be easily assessable and undoubtedly effortless to consume its blathering ignorance. 


We can easily blame such entities as public education, the media, and the entertainment industry for providing a delivery system for ignorance – and I have many times before.  But it is simply not enough to lay blame for individual weakness on anyone but individuals.  If this country is to remain true to its heritage and ideals, it is incumbent on each and every American to educate himself/herself.  This can be a formidable task unless one employs a careful scrutiny of everything one hears and sees, for in the arena of opinions, there are plenty to support every view.  Facts can even be found to build a case against just about every opinion readily available.  So, where does that leave us? 


That had better leave us with a pure faith in our own ability to define our beliefs with discriminating certainty – and the willingness to back it up.  I am truly tired of people who would wring every benefit from our founding documents, while ignoring the responsibility to allow others to do the same.  For example, if you stand on the absolute right to say anything anytime without fear of ANY government repercussions, you should also see that I certainly have the same right to purchase, own and carry without license ANY weapon I choose for self defense with no strings attached.  In that respect, the two unalienable rights are identical, are they not?  We can’t simply pick and choose which of these rights defined by our founders we choose to support and believe in, can we?  Yet we have allowed society and our representatives to do just that to the detriment of unalienable rights in this country.  Our right to be secure in our homes from government intrusion has been sold out to a feigned government security from criminal behavior, which continues to clog our courts and confound our ability to be a free and self-governed people. 


These problems are only the tip of the iceberg, but they are specific to the application of socialist/communist philosophy to our own system of self-government.       


The war now raging in Iraq is not a religious war contrary to what some would like to believe.  It is not an unjust war contrary to what many legislators and protesters insist on believing.  It is a carefully chosen battle in an ongoing war against terrorism.  This war against terrorism has only two sides, and neither of them is gray.  It will be a long war, but one that must end in complete victory – not one that is negotiated through various power brokers.  We must be careful every step of the way to remain resolute in defeating those that would broker peace with those who would utilize torture, terror, and inhumane cruelty to seize and maintain power.  We cannot continue to go into these many battles, (and there will be many), with such a glaring ignorance of our real enemy and such heavy disdain for a political leader that was able to set aside his own welfare to pursue what he knew had to be done.  It would have been so much easier for him to stand in the cool shadow of world public opinion and sweep this one under the carpet with his predecessor’s many mistakes.  But he chose the heat of the oven and sent out a message the world had better hear. 


America doesn’t fight religious wars.  Our fights are with a dominating communist philosophy that sanctions the worst of human cruelties and seeks only raw power over body, mind and spirit.  Too few in this country can even recognize this enemy, even as they give aid and comfort to it every day.  The sister philosophy of socialism has been welcomed with open arms into our unique cradle of freedom.  It consumes the very essence of this precious inheritance of American freedom and grows stronger by the day.  Do you see it?  Have you educated yourselves to recognize the face of pure evil?  It feeds on our freedom and emboldens those who would see us left with no lasting American heritage.  If you recognize it, then you know that America doesn’t fight religious wars – or unjust wars for that matter. 


Iraq has been consumed with an evil communist dictatorship for decades - doubly dangerous because it wraps itself in the robes of a religion it doesn’t believe in – a religion that easily cloaks an evil purpose.  Ignorance, greed, and extremism offers this dictatorship a chance for unequaled power in the world right now.  It learned a valuable lesson about patience twelve years ago, so it would have been patient. That is the only way it can look innocent.  It has been utilized as a valuable tool by the real power brokers in the world, and that tool could have broken freedom’s back with one blow.  It still can if the next battle is met such total ignorance of its existence.  Such communist dictatorships exist in far too many other places in the world today.  Do you see them?  Look for the evidence of their cruelty.  Some of them wear a cloak of religion or hard to define hatred.  They all harbor terrorism.  Do you see them yet?  Some of them are brazen and do not fear our reprisal – yet.  But they should.  They should fear any battle with American freedom as the prize, for those of us who do recognize them are ferocious enemies well educated in their goals and their weaknesses. 


Ask those brave young Americans currently doing battle in Iraq if they can tell the difference between good and evil.  They have to make those calls every day.  All they want to do is come home to an America that welcomes them with open arms and grateful hearts. All they want is to preserve that precious American liberty that has always been communism’s fiercest enemy.  They fight there, so their children won’t have to see that ugliness here.  They fight so that you can say whatever you wish about them and their commander-in-chief.  Will you preach to them in your socialist’s tongue when they march triumphantly back home, or will you praise them and thank them for doing battle with the real enemy for you? 


Remember the next time you would vote for relinquishing my Second Amendment rights that you may as well be voting for relinquishing YOUR First Amendment rights.  Remember, in your hatred of political leaders that it is up to you to choose those leaders.  Believe me when I say that we just got lucky this time.  If you do not share that view, that’s fine.  Choose your leaders carefully – just make sure that they can recognize this enemy or there will be no choice in the future.  The love of our freedom must be stronger than the fear of terror in any form.  It is up to us to fight this war and appreciate those who do the terrible battles that must be done.


To the conspiracy theorists I will say this one more time – can you see the real enemy?  You only think that you have it figured out.  To the liberals – you have diluted yourselves in the very enemy philosophy that would destroy our precious American freedoms – I would hope you can one day pull yourselves out of that quagmire.  To the pessimists – you are members of every group but one – the strong and faithful individual spirits that must save our heritage.  Are you giving up?  I pity your children.  To the outsiders, the internal enemies who are here for evil purpose or who hate us from afar – you are doomed. 


America is different because her people and her heritage are different.  We see each other and the world from a very different perspective.  We do not cringe at the threat of inhuman cruelty and terror.  Our creator does not demand our blood in His glory, but rather our lives as proof of His goodness, our sacrifices for each other and our progeny as payment for our endless bounty, and our knowledge of the undying torch of human dignity in the name of freedom.  We cannot be defeated because He cannot be defeated and this country that He blessed from her beginning will not be defeated by the likes of evil dictators and shallow human philosophies that have no light of truth. 


Can you see the enemy?  It will be a long war.  Are you willing to fight it?                        



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