Tax Me More Or Tax Me Not

Deborah Venable



Perhaps the great American injustice is finally coming to a head – that is, finally the sore on the soul of American liberty has gotten so infected that it can no longer be ignored or simply tolerated.  What started out as a small itch or discomfort on our otherwise healthy state of American freedom has continued to grow very ugly and terribly painful.  I am talking about the damage that unfair, unconstitutional, immoral and totally unnecessary taxation has done to the great inheritance of American liberty. 


America was founded on the moral ideal that individuals have a God-given right to live free of burdensome taxes and the ultimate government control that taxation buys.  We have not been very good keepers of this heritage, paid for in the blood of our ancestors, and I am sick to death that so many seem willing to continue to feed the monster governments with our money, our power and our precious freedoms.  As many have actually demanded that these governments exercise more and more control over our individual liberty, we who do honor the memory of a freer America find ourselves ignored as we try to stop the escalation of government slavery.  Why?  Is it because there are greater numbers of citizens than ever before who can be counted at the troughs of government – either in a system of entitlement or in the beneficiary servitude of government employment?  I believe therein lies the key.  Individualism has been lost to government servitude and benefaction.


Government has become a complex business, as anything so tenacled eventually does.  Far too many employees have bought into government careers and spit on the graves of patriots who died preserving an ideal that is no longer cherished.  They look to a system sophisticated by man to feed them instead of proudly depending on their own God-given abilities to do it.  The natural economics of capitalism are no longer good enough to nourish the free soul in the eyes of enlightened socialism.  Capitalism is dependent on effort to reap rewards, where socialism rewards more those who put forth the least effort.  This is elementary stuff, but our school children are not learning it.  Instead they are being made to feel shame for utilizing the treasures of the environment, while they are not even reminded that they, too, belong in the food chain.  Our children are learning and worshiping fantasy instead of reality and we are allowing it and paying for it. 


It’s the paying for it that is allowing it – and that is what we must stop.  We are required to buy license though taxation and keep it renewed every year to even maintain a false sense of freedom in America.  We are supposed to ask permission for everything we do and pay for that permission given.  We cannot work, own property, develop property, operate equipment, or run a business without permission and strangling regulation, licensing or taxation.  Does anyone else but me think that this is an abomination and an insult to the Founders of this country? 


I feel like a child plucking the petals from a daisy saying, “loves me, loves me not” – only change the words to say, “tax me more, tax me not” and wonder how many petals are left.  The key to saving American liberty is to stop the taxation. 


Don’t miss The Wise One’s latest article, “Blue Smoke and Mirrors” and take time to digest the current Study Page. 



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