The Reason Governments Fail

Deborah Venable



You know, I’ve fought some battles in my day but the battlefield immediately in my path is one that has been rigged in advance to produce no winners for the side of right, morality, and reason.  America has once and for all been successfully dumbed down to accept whatever comes our way, and history, sacrifice, and good conscience be dammed.  There is such large-scale confusion within this, by God, “free society” of ours that folks are deciding to herald the coming of chaos instead of intelligently working to overcome the evil that allowed this chaos to develop. 


It was bad enough when lines were more clearly drawn between political candidates who were vying for a majority vote from their peers to represent the rest of us – bad enough then, when the lazy, disinterested majority refused to make any effort to take part in the election process.  The lament was always the same – “the system is corrupt and my one vote is not going to make a difference.”  Or, “politics is evil and there isn’t a ‘nickel’s worth of difference’ – so why should I vote?”  I have heard this same stuff all my life.


Today, however, the source of these comments is far more troubling.  Intelligent, patriotic, freedom-loving individuals are now using the same old lines!  These folks are also claiming that those who still believe in the original design of our system of government should join them in NOT voting to support the corrupt system because a vote not cast for the perfection of good is a vote cast for evil.  (You know, score one against the “lesser of the evils” theory.)  Well, what can we expect for voter turnout now?  I figure just about the same as it has always been – only now there will be a lot more votes cast in and for ignorance!


I have been reminded that in some places “voting” is mandatory.  Yup.  Now I see how that can happen.  (Coming soon to a country near and dear to all our hearts!)


Throughout America’s history, voting rights movements were at least all heading the same direction – toward securing voting rights for one group of people or another.  Now, however, we find self-righteous movements underfoot to turn folks away from the polls – deliberately!  Let me just say that for every intelligent, responsible person who is convinced to NOT cast his vote, there will be a starry-eyed, bought and paid for citizen, (or perhaps non-citizen) ready to cast his vote for the worst of the evils in your opinion!  Now you know how corruption takes hold of representative government and how governments eventually fail. 


Meanwhile, what do these previously conscientious citizens do if they are not voting?  Well, they are still “going along with the system” or else serving out prison sentences or mysteriously disappearing in one sense or another.  Those are the only choices.  Some of the “disappearances” may well be into underground organizations that are readying for some sort of final showdown to “take back our government.”  But I really don’t know why they bother.  As it stands even now – this government is already ours – we the people’s and all that jazz.  We just don’t seem to be able to garner enough collective intelligence to govern ourselves without corruption.  Will it be different after a bloodbath – some sort of revolution where the good guys win out over the bad guys?  What if we don’t?  Win I mean?  What will American government look like then, folks? 


Today’s American majority is not fit for a real battle that will require dedication and sacrifice to sustain America in even her present state of individual liberty, much less that one for which our forefathers earned us.  So, who will be the real losers of such a battle, and what will convince the world that America isn’t easy pickings for any kind of tyrannical government that wishes to set up shop here? 


Coming soon – United Socialist States of America where everyone votes and no one wins!  Formerly known as that “shining beacon on the hill” that collected the “huddled masses” from around the world for over two centuries and introduced them to the burning fire of individual liberty – only to betray its own ideals in the end? 


Rationalize it if you want to, all you adult Americans who refuse to take an active part in your government, but don’t try to convince me that my vote doesn’t count, or my patriotism or love of liberty are in question as I make my choices at the polls – while they are still my choices to make.  I’ll be out there with all the other “fools” who refuse to relinquish a gift from our Creator, defended, bought and paid for with our ancestors’ blood – our individual right to have a say in the government of the land we still love.  Those who are there for any other reason should stay home. 


That is how governments fail – when those that should don’t and those that shouldn’t do make all the decisions.



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