and the Puppeteers
Season Is Now
let me get this straight – the American economy is going down the tubes,
right? Is that right? Have I got that right? Because, you see, I’m very confused – the
American people are still spending money.
When Americans spend money it generally means that the economy is okay;
and folks are still out there buying stuff!
What’s that you say about consumer spending indexes and stock market
insecurity, interest rates and unemployment?
Oh, so they are not looking so good huh? Um, okay, I get it, but what about those folks out there spending
money like it’s going out of style?
What about them, huh? Do you
think they know that the
American economy is about to go belly up?
not what? It’s not their money that they are
spending? Whatever do you mean, it’s
not their money? They are going in debt you say? They’re going in debt???
101 – a nation’s wealth and condition of its economy is directly related to the
true wealth of its citizens. America
seems to be full of a whole bunch of folks who are happy with just thinking that they have wealth
because they have a good credit rating!
Such a paper tiger society cannot long endure – especially not since we
also have a paper tiger government! The
government doesn’t spend its own money either, you see, because it doesn’t have
any. It’s not supposed to have money of
its own! It’s all ours!! Well, it would be if there was any real money there – which there isn’t!
old saying, “you can’t get blood out of a turnip” applies here. If we the people don’t have any real wealth,
how the heck can anyone figure the government does??? You think you
have a hard time making ends meet each month, try handling a government
budget! Oh yeah, right - the budget surplus. You really bought into that garbage foisted upon us by recent
government regimes? HA! There hasn’t been a true surplus of real
wealth in this country since it was all plundered and used up fighting that
ridiculous American –American War back in the 1860s! Since then we’ve had to rely on the good old funny money printing
press to keep up with the demands of that handful of elites who hold all the
credit strings. You see, they only hold
all the credit until such time as they truly have all the wealth and all
the power – then they will call in their markers. You can be sure of that!
They have made a few mistakes too, or that time would have long ago
arrived! There must be at least a
little blood left in the turnip.
their greed to produce ever more wealth for themselves, they have made a few
bad deals along the way, stubbed their toes a few times on their own arrogance,
and therefore, let the cat out of the bag to those sober enough to notice. Not that they have that much to worry about
in the immediate future, because most citizens of the world are too busy trying
to survive in the chaos that is of their making. It is really all a matter of time when and where there will be a
showdown with these evil puppeteers.
Some of them are probably convinced there will never be need for the kind
of showdown I’m talking about. Hence, their arrogance will be their doom.
you look around at an America that has become over sensitive to proclaiming the
upcoming holiday season as a joyous celebration in Christ’s name, you might
also wonder where all the real human charity is hiding. As we tip toe around the mine field of
political correctness, lest we set off an explosion of imagined offence, we
cannot help but get aches in our tensed up, expectant muscles causing us to
seek relief in the shelter of our own homes.
Perhaps the old adage, “charity begins at home” is being realized even
without the arrogant elite noticing. If
this is so, we should soon see a strengthening of individual spirits and a
determination to restore a sense of morality into the bloodstream of capitalism
in the economy of America. I would hope
that we learned an important lesson last year when it became painfully obvious
that merchants were bending over backwards to ward off the anti-Christian
police by eliminating even Christmas carols from their usually fruitful
seasonal profit taking. How absurdly
stupid do the elites think we are???
The aforementioned lesson – don’t kill the goose that lays the golden
America, boys and girls, we celebrate Christmas. By “we” I mean we, the descendants of generations of
Christians. Because of this, and only
this, the Jewish, Muslim, and various other groups of American merchants
benefit via an increase in gross profits from we, the Christians, purchasing
our symbolic gold, frankincense and myrrh in their stores. I, for one, expect to hear some Christ
glorifying Christmas carols while I am thus involved in the joyous season of
giving. If you are of the mind that
hearing such carols would somehow “offend” you then you certainly do not need
to profit from my Christmas Spirit! How
hard is that to grasp? Do you get it
yet??? Charity begins at home. If the ignorant government puppets want to
get involved and make it somehow illegal for said merchants to create such a
“profitable” atmosphere for we charitable Christians, let me assure you – they
will kill the goose! The golden egg
they depend on will cease to exist! Got
it yet? In America, we celebrate
Christmas! Period!
back to the economy. Is it or is it not
in trouble? Of course it is! Americans are spending worthless, morality
sucking credit because the wealth of the nation has been siphoned off for the
most part. Not all, of course, but most
of what America spends does not represent a fair trade – just as most of what
Americans spend for does not represent quality! So, I guess in that sense, Americans are getting exactly what
they bargain for, aren’t they? But it
certainly isn’t a reflection of a capitalist system the way it is supposed to
work. The economy is in big trouble
because ignorance is the prevalent philosophy.
Until that changes, until people begin to demand value for value and
stop sanctioning looters and moochers on the capitalist system of America, the
economy is doomed!
look to government leaders to find the answers for our problems – they aren’t
even looking for them! Don’t look to
the controlling elites to suddenly have a change of heart and give back
anything they have taken – they never will.
Don’t look to your fellow citizens to suddenly figure it all out and
help you protect whatever may still be rightfully yours – they are potential
looters and moochers after all. Charity
begins at home. Sweep the cobwebs of
ignorance and the immorality of the failed system of credit from your own
doorstep, assess your own left over wealth and trade it fairly for
quality. When you are willing to do
this, the economy will begin to heal.
When others are willing to take this responsibility on themselves, the
economy will get stronger. When
government is banished back to its proper place of servant to the people for
the barest of human expectations, and capitalism is restored to its basic
principle of justice, the economy will rebound and catapult the mobile classes
of America back on the path to the American Dream.
and the puppeteers are exposed once and for all. How many of you are willing to look them in the eyes and reclaim
your birthright? It has been stolen and
squandered for far too long by the dredges of humanity who care not for the
true spirit of greatness that God has bestowed within each and every human
being on earth. Tap into that, ladies
and gentlemen, and you will own the world!
There is a time for every purpose, and this is the season!
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