Cyber Attack

Deborah Venable



It is a risky business these days – telling the truth about what goes on in the world around you.  The average American has become content to be spoon-fed a pabulum of pureed, processed propaganda laced with a sedative of apathy that doesn’t require him to think for himself.  Anyone who comes along and offers up a beefsteak of pure unadulterated truth to gnaw at upsets his delicate system.  How dare we who would do such a thing!


Having recently come under a vicious cyber attack via large numbers of virus infected emails, I can tell you that anyone who hangs out a shingle to dispense truth via the internet is in for an ongoing battle – even if no monetary profit is being sought or received.  Trying to understand the mindset of people who would set out to destroy one’s ability to dispense the truth is like looking for the logic in supporting a known tyranny.  Both are frustrating and only serve to strengthen one’s resolve against groundless ignorance.   


While damage is done by such childish pranks as attempting to shut down a website by flooding it with infected email, it usually only serves to strengthen the resolve of those in my mindset.  It also lets me know that I am on the right track – so thanks for the encouragement!


This is a real short rant today, folks, for I am tired and you folks deserve the updates that are awaiting my attention.  Just wanted to let everyone interested know that I am here for the long haul.  I may be old and slow, but never weak of spirit.  That’s God-given - along with the rights that I exercise here.



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