
Deborah Venable



Fire season in the arid West is barely out of the start gate and already history has been made.  With fires in states all over the West, the largest forest fire in Arizona’s history has merged with another to produce a merciless monster that is sweeping through some of the most pristine beauty the West has to offer.  This monster cares not for government regulation and environmentalist laments of endangered species.  It just consumes all in its path and laughs at the human stupidity that allowed the expansion of its natural destructive capabilities.


Are we hearing from tree huggers during this monster’s rampage?  Are they on the front lines fighting to save all the “endangered” species’ homes in the wake of certain risk to their personal safety?  Are they comforting the human victims who have lost everything as they huddle in the temporary shelters and thank God they got out alive?  Are they vowing to remain perched in the top of some tree that was marked for logging, but “saved” by their rebellious actions?  Perhaps they are hiking the burning forests, ahead of the monster, to hunt for evidence of plants or insects that must be listed as “endangered” so that man may not disturb it?




Empty-headed environmentalists have their hands full trying to recover from the recent attention given studies proclaiming their global warming theories off base.  They are also equally concerned with “preserving” the no drill zones in the Alaskan wilderness, off the coasts of California and the Gulf of Mexico so that America will have to remain dependent on foreign sources of oil.  Not only that, but they are busy preparing the curricula for the next onslaught of environmental brainwashing that will be foisted upon America’s school children next term.  You can bet that they haven’t missed a beat during this period of disaster.  They will continue to lobby for more government control over private and public property, and they will continue to worship at the alter of Gore’s lost presidential bid.


As I said in a recent article I wrote for Sierra Times, naturally occurring forest fires have been a part of the earth’s history since before man ever came on the scene, but the difference is that these current fires, whether naturally caused or not, are very different.  They are fueled by the mismanaged and over-regulated forests all over the West, making them vulnerable to a hot burning monster that leaves nothing standing and the earth impenetrable to life-giving water.  Environmental policies are responsible for putting these forests through the kiln effect, and there is nothing environmentally beneficial or naturally honorable about the results.    


Americans must demand that reason and common sense replace ridiculous environmental rhetoric to save what is left of our vast natural resources.  If this season of wildfires doesn’t illustrate that, I don’t know what will.  We must demand our personal property rights, and we must work to free the land held imprisoned by governmental regulation, so that it may be preserved with man in the picture – not conspicuously absent from it.  Humans ARE a part of nature, and as such have rights that cannot be set aside to foolishly quell the interests of political robots that have been programmed to capitulate those rights to far more evil forces than the monster, wildfire.


Speaking Of Evil


Anyone who does not spend considerable time perusing proposed legislation these days is as foolish as a person who would ignore a flame in a dry brush pile.  Freedom comes with a price – I don’t think I need to expound on that fact with patriotic readers – that price is responsibility.  Many people of the world live under horrendous tyranny and social slavery simply because they are scared to death of freedom and the price of responsibility they would have to pay for it.  It is hard work to maintain it and it takes tremendous spirit and vigilance to keep it. 


Know this – the great majority of those we have elected as our representatives are NOT interested in representing a free society.  They are instead committed only to keeping themselves in power, (real or imagined), for as long as they wish and reaping the benefits of their public “service” via any perks they can secure for themselves.  They are politicians first and foremost and they like the games they play with freedom and people’s lives.  They sit on their committees in Congress and plan for how they can pass legislation that would be unpopular if it was stripped of the language of deceit they usually dress it in.  One such piece of legislation is currently being “dressed” and addressed in Congress as H.R. 1433, and in the Senate as S. 975. 


Familiarize yourself with it, or if you haven’t already, read this NewsMax article. 


This “Wildfire” is an ominous threat to our already tattered freedom.



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