in America would there be enough collected stupidity to breathe life into such
a ridiculous scheme as the “reparations movement.” Whenever it was first brought up, it should have been laughed out
of existence. Many did not take it
seriously enough to even do that, however, so now we have a monster that would
devour whatever common sense might be left in our “free” country and leave yet
another scar on the American Dream.
“march on Washington” idea seems to have been planted in the heads of far too
many people who would otherwise not lift a finger to pick up a weapon and
defend their homeland, take the trouble to educate themselves to be part of a
wise electorate, or put forth the effort necessary to realize the “Dream”
through individual sacrifice and productivity.
So, once again, we see a group of imaginary victims of society demanding
a permanent teat on the government sow.
I wonder how the “marchers” are being accepted in the nation’s
capitol. It is, after all, such a
hotbed of crime, that “ruling” city of ours.
More crime than you can shake a stick at – both in the low rent
districts and in the halls of government.
More crime is committed in the D.C. each day than can be handled by the
nation’s courts – if it was all being prosecuted.
of peaceful assembly and the right to bring forth grievances is truly a
wonderful thing about America. With
this freedom comes the responsibility to define a true grievance or the freedom
will be lost. The agitators of the
Black race do not care, they do not speak truth, and they detest the underdogs
of their own race they claim to stand up for.
The ignorant Caucasians and those of other races who support the reparations
insanity do not care either. They are
merely following an agenda for the destruction of individual sovereignty of
every American, no matter their skin color or ethnic origins. What crimes against freedom have been and
are being committed in the hallowed halls and back rooms on Capitol Hill while
the “march” goes on? What contrived
“grievance” is being dreamed up as the next attempt to further rape any riches
left in the private holdings of American efforts? What “assembly” will next march on Washington in the false name
of “justice?”
is not over, folks, and it is serious.
As time goes on in America’s struggle to avoid world governance,
everyone who is looking for a free ride in life should ask themselves what
price they are willing to pay for it.
If they consider that they are due payment for the fact their ancestors
were mistreated, they should be made to know and understand the simple fact
that EVERY American’s ancestors were mistreated. No one race has the market cornered on privilege or lack
thereof! If you claim to actually believe
that white Americans owe black Americans some monetary payment for occurrences
in history, I say you are either a fool or a liar. If you are ignorant enough not to realize that anyone who can
call himself an American is better off than anyone without the “hyphenation”
you’d better learn a little more about America and drop the damned first part
of the hyphenation while you are at it!
will stand as ONE nation under God, or it will fall under the weight of REAL
grievances that were never addressed to a lazy, Godless society that just
doesn’t give a damned! You don’t have
to look too far to find the real problems and injustices in America. Fix those and stop breathing life into
fantasies that aren’t worth the time of day.
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