Portrait Of A Traitor

Deborah Venable



They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so if the converse is true, let me paint a picture.  I’ll use the canvas of America’s current majority political party in Congress, the brushes of reason and common sense, and the dark oils running the machinery of that party.  The darkest hues are personified in the leaders of both houses of Congress and their recent actions and words.  Blending in around them we find the old standbys of their philosophy, doom and gloom, with a broad stroke of anti-conservatism and anti-individualism.  The background of this portrait consists of complimentary supporting swirls of reckless media bias and deliberate attempts to stir up social unrest. 


As we begin to study the face of the traitor, we find the eyes are clouded with cataracts of untruth and the nose has become immune to the stench of decaying bodies of the traitor’s victims.  The mouth can only spew forth accusations that would better describe a self-examination instead of an accurate assessment of the reality of its opposition.  The face has no clear definition against the aforementioned background, but a shadow of its main components exists none-the-less. 


As the brushes work to fill the canvas, recent events illustrate the image that is emerging and the title of the final portrait cannot be denied.


As for debating these folks who would represent this portrait of the Democrat Party – we find that the major players in the game for the presidency in 2008 have said that the Party must sanction any debates before they will participate.  Fair debates is the most accurate measurement the people have to judge one party against another, or better yet, one individual against another.  Our very freedom is the only sanction that should be necessary. 


We also find that these same three folks were horrified to learn that the Supreme Court had dared to confirm the Constitutionality of the partial birth abortion ban recently.  They erroneously believe that our Constitution supports a “right” to kill the most vulnerable members of society with a cruelty unmatched and a brutality unconscionable, and they warn against a time when that would be viewed with clarity by all.  While they are good at reading what is not in our Constitution, they blatantly reject what specifically exists – the right to bear arms.  Why do they ever bother to mention the document, the contents of which they are so very ignorant, even though they have sworn to protect and defend it? 


Finally, and most telling, we have the leaders of the majority party of both houses of Congress acting in ways that offer great aid and comfort to our enemies.  Yes, that’s right – we DO have enemies, and those enemies are evil.  They will never be backed into a corner through fair diplomacy, yet those these two leaders continue to insist that this is the only tool we have to fight them.  These leaders have taken it upon themselves to ignore the existing protocols of our government, show no respect for the chain of command, and reach out a helpful hand to the brutal leaders of our enemies – all the while they embolden the thugs and demoralize our own innocent heroes fighting the real war with the barbs of their words and actions.   


Heroism is not reflected in the face of this portrait, but loathing defeat shows through clearly.  Shame on you both, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, and shame on the despicable excuse for a freedom loving people that your party represents.  Shame on you, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards, and shame on your ignorance that drives your senseless desire for power – no matter what the cost to your country.


If ever there was a time for the American people to see your face clearly and have the courage to call treason what it is – now is that time.  Not since Benedict Arnold have we had such clear representation of traitorous acts as this party has personified. 


This portrait came up with change to spare in words, so it must be beneath the worth of a picture of the opposite. 


May God continue to bless America, and may good eventually win out over evil, even in the face of such tremendous odds.



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