No Wonder About Palin’s Decision

Deborah Venable



A building really does have to fall on some people before they can understand gravity I guess.  Since Governor Sarah Palin’s July 3rd announcement that she would not seek reelection and would, in fact, step down from her office later this month, most folks have taken one of two paths to “explain” her actions:  either she’s stupid or she thinks she is cunning. 


I found absolutely nothing ambiguous in her stated reasons for her decision.  If she had wanted her supporters or her critics to know any more specifics, I’m sure she would have laid them all out.  The point is she only owed the explanation she gave – nothing more and nothing less.


For those of us who voted for her, either in local or state elections in Alaska, or in the national election last November, we know why we did and she hasn’t done anything to negate the voting trust that anyone has placed in her.  She is not a commodity that anyone has the right to buy or sell – or trash, for that matter.


As is her specialty, Sarah Palin is illustrating perfectly just what should be expected from an individual in political office, just as she has always illustrated what should be expected from anyone who professes a pro-life view against abortion.  She is living her convictions.


It is honestly telling to see this woman scrutinized, analyzed, second-guessed and vilified by elitists and would-be savvy political observers.  She hasn’t been run out or bought off, as many think she has.  She is certainly not an embarrassment to anyone who has ever supported her.  She has not been marginalized, jeopardized, or compromised for anything that she may choose to do in the future – political or otherwise. 


Government Corruption


If anyone is truly interested in arresting the current trend toward ruination of this country, the answers to all the problems causing it are quite simple.  Power and money are the two things that draw modern politicians into the snare of government corruption.  Obviously, neither of those two things matters to politicians such as Governor Palin.  Perhaps I really should not put her into a class with any other politicians, because there aren’t many (if any) like her.  She got into politics to fill a need that she saw, first in her community, and then in her state.  That need was for an uncorruptable person to represent average citizens in the local and state governments.  Power and money could not buy her off the path to that honest representation.  That’s why people admire and truly like her, and that’s why she was so effective in her job.


Last year, Sarah Palin’s honesty and integrity, along with her overwhelming appeal to those she had represented, were what John McCain needed most to give his campaign a fighting chance.  That’s why she was picked as his running mate.  The fact that she is a woman was a big help too.


With Pick, McCain reclaims His Maverick Image – From August 2008.  Let’s remember this quote from “the maverick” himself as he introduced his pick:

"I have found the right partner to help me stand up to those who value their privileges over their responsibilities, who put power over principle, and put their interests before your needs," McCain said in introducing Palin on Friday. "I found someone with an outstanding reputation for standing up to special interests and entrenched bureaucracies; someone who has fought against corruption and the failed policies of the past."


Going back a bit further in the campaign – pre Palin, here are a couple of articles that discuss the feelings of the candidate, the campaign, and the analysts, as they all know they have an uphill battle on their hands.


McCain Plans Decentralized Campaign – From March 2008, the comments after this article are particularly telling.


Jindal Dodges Potential Veepstakes Pitfall – From July 2008, this gives a good look at the money and power game that goes on in all administrations all the time.  Jindal was always a close second to Palin as a viable VP choice IMHO.


Getting to my point here, conservatives had only one candidate on a major ticket for which to vote in the last general presidential election.  McCain was certainly not that candidate, but he, at least, had the good sense to pick her.  Sarah Palin got into that race for the same reasons she had taken up politics in the first place – to represent the people she would serve.  What was done to her in the media and in the lower 48 power player political network, (including her own campaign), was unconscionable.  We should be eternally grateful that America still spawns individuals willing to sacrifice personal welfare for the chance to represent the best interests of American citizens.


 It is truly comical when elitist “city dwellers” can’t seem to understand that us rural folks sometimes like to hang the sign and take off for awhile.  The “sign” on the governor’s door should read, “Gone Fishing – make of it what you will.”  Or as she said in her speech:  “All I can ask is that you trust me with this decision.”


I do, Sarah.  I think it was the right one!     


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