Harry Stepped In Deep
Deborah Venable
old saying came to mind as I heard the recent remarks made by Senate majority
leader, Harry Reid, when he was addressing an assembled campaign audience in
Nevada this week. He was evidently
appealing to his needed Hispanic supporters when he said, “I don’t know how
anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, okay – do I need to say
old saying that came to mind goes something like this: Harry obviously let his alligator mouth
overload his hummingbird – well, use your imagination for the rest of it.
point is, old Harry stepped in deep and probably his elite little mind wasn’t
even aware of his faux pas. You can
call that being out of touch if you wish, I just call it a liberal elite speaking
his mind.
billed as a rising star in the Republican Party quickly blasted the remarks as
“outrageous” and “ridiculous” and reminded the famous Democrat that Americans
of Hispanic descent have a better chance here for upward mobility than anywhere
else in the world – and that democrats are doing everything in their power to
destroy the American free enterprise system that allows it.
article by Dr.
Manny Alvarez
reminds Senator Reed that he and many others of Hispanic descent are not stupid
– nor was his own father, a life-long Republican.
given that both of these men are descendents of Cubans fleeing communist
tyranny, we can probably rest assured that Harry wasn’t referring to that
particular brand of Hispanic – but who knows?
One doesn’t have to look far to find other Republican Hispanics without
the so-called herd mentality to which Reid might have been addressing his
remarks. Hispanics are traditionally
more socially conservative and have a much better grasp on a good work ethic
solving their economic concerns over depending on government to do it for them.
is sad to think that progressive Democrats must rely on an influx of illegal
immigrants more interested in revolution than assimilation to achieve their
version of the American Dream.
thing we can be sure of, progressive elites will never be able to see things
from an individualist standpoint. It
isn’t in their ideology, therefore, it isn’t in their intellectual grasp. They must group their enemies just as they
group their friends, and in their eyes, you are either a part of the “right”
group or you’re not.
rights and even individual opinion mean nothing to such collectivists. That explains why they cannot truly value
and honor – much less understand – America’s exceptionalism and the uniqueness
of her founding. That is why they have
no problem shredding the Constitution or scoffing at the Declaration Of
Independence. They don’t really
understand either of these great documents.
That our Founders could have drawn up the blueprint for this country
with such succinct language is unthinkable to people who now need thousands of
printed pages to define ambiguous legislation that puts a stranglehold on
individual freedom – yet they are the enlightened elite among us?
may pick on Senator Reid for his seemingly outrageous remarks, but really,
wasn’t he just stating his honest opinion?
Isn’t that all it takes these days for a progressive/liberal/Democrat
lawmaker to find himself or herself in over his/her head?