The Meal

Deborah Venable



If I hear one more supposedly conservative pundit lament the “illegality” of the present battlefields of the War On Terror, I think I shall finally lose it!


I expect to hear that stuff from liberals, idiots and others who do not understand the basics of history, civics, or human interaction, but self-proclaimed individualist conservatives must know better!  I probably feel pretty much like those genuine Democrat patriots from the middle of last century felt as they saw the ideals of their party being lost in a socialist stew that took control of it.  “They didn’t leave their party – their party left them.”


Well, I guess it is on to the Republicans now, eh? 


Okay, right quick, before I forget or get “assimilated” into the “stew” let me write this down so I can refer to it later. 


America is NOT a bad place – in fact, it is the BEST place on earth to be.  The communist/socialist philosophy did NOT form the building blocks for this government.  In fact, ever since we knew of such a philosophy, Americans have had to fight it with everything we have to keep it from taking over.  Don’t even tell me that we are going to lose that battle while I am still a mortal on this earth!  I cannot accept that.


I’ve set the table, now we can consume the meal – after a little prayer of course.


Oh, God, make us once again truly thankful for your bountiful gifts of liberty and the intelligence to preserve this glorious piece of real estate you have blessed us with.  Amen.


First course:  An appetizer in the form of that delicious smell of freedom – untainted by the odor of death and destruction in our own backyards, not since September 11, 2001.


That is no accident.  That is only because we took the war to them – terrorists of many nationalities and varying degrees of religious and philosophical influence.  We took the war to them via our “representatives” – brave men and women, who in proud American tradition stepped up, put on a uniform, and picked up a gun.  They are ordinary people who become extraordinary Americans.  Most of the blathering idiots that show them no respect except in the form of meaningless lip service, (“we support the troops, but we don’t support the war”) cannot possibly understand the sacrifice they and their families make for us.  Much of their hardship stays with them for the rest of their lives, even if they return home from the battlefield alive and “whole.” 


Most of the politicians that make the decisions about where the troops go and what they do could not even make it through Boot Camp!  This is where the necessary attitude adjustment must start to take place if a soldier, marine, sailor, airman, or guardsman is to emerge.  It takes a series of significant emotional events to adequately prepare a person for killing and avoiding being killed to the extent that the military requires.


And this stuff can never be unlearned.


The illegality of the battlefields in the War On Terror? – That is the main course here, so eat up!  Have a nice, big helping of the “legal” battlefields first, though, just so you can know the difference when you taste it.  Those legal battlefields, according to the prevailing communist/socialist agenda, would be your own backyards.  New Yorkers, D.C.ers and Pennsylvanians, take notes if you can’t keep up!


The terrorists in the world will not be satisfied until more American cities burn and we are burying our civilians faster than our soldiers can pick up their guns to fight back!  If you don’t know that with certainty, then God help you when it gets to that point.


Be sure to bite into the side dish in this meal – the “cause” that our soldiers have died for from the beginning of all the wars they fought.  That is the weakness that must be devoured with the courage to fight back against injustice and assaults on our liberties.  There’s far too much of that weakness, and I’m sure there will be leftovers – there always are.


We expect the small percentage of Americans who become our defenders on foreign battlefields to play by rules that an ignorant public and a disparaging ruling class lay down for them, while they die and experience the worst that life has to offer.  Then we expect them to come home and behave themselves afterwards, without even a “thank-you” and public understanding of why they were there.  Instead, they are singled out for even more persecution for fighting an “illegal” war.  Many of them come to the same conclusions because of constant pressure to do so.


Here in the state of Alabama, we have a special license plate that Vietnam veterans may display on their vehicles.  It states, “Ours was a just cause.”  That license plate is displayed on two of my vehicles because my husband was such a veteran of that war.  I saw the pain that it brought him and his brothers in arms and I lived through the pain that it caused me – and he came back “whole.”  Many of our friends did not.


Politicians of that day and too many citizens did not allow them to win that war or even bother to understand why it was being fought.  They still don’t, and they will not admit that today’s war is a “just cause” either.  They are doing everything in their power to seal another defeat.  I know exactly why our boys went to those jungles, just as present day heroes fight it out in middle-eastern deserts and mountains and downtown friend and foe settings of utmost danger.  I lived through the communist threat of the mid twentieth century and I understand the terrorist threat now.  It is simply a choice of battlefields.  With one, we get to stay out of it and live our lives in relative peace and safety.  With the other, our children will experience it with their own eyes in their own backyards.


For dessert, you can munch on this:  the communist threat is still out there, only now it is helping the terrorist threat.  If you think these backward battlefields were chosen because  America is just trying to pick a fight with innocents, then you’d better consider another prayer – for guidance.


Communism employs terrorism all the time – always has.  It can also employ an extreme religion because they know that it is expendable.  Saddam Hussein would have been perfectly comfortable in the Soviet KGB, and was quite sympathetic to their way of thinking.  If you folks, who continue to tout the old “illegal” war mantra about unseating his regime, want to kowtow to the rest of the terrorists in the world until America no longer stands against anyone, you are in bad need of an education.  Try taking your white flags to any number of places where you think you can encourage peace to blossom that way – all by yourselves – without those military heroes to watch your back.  See how that works out for you.


In the meantime, I need an Alka-Seltzer!


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