Special Rant From An Expert!
This excellent article appeared on NewsMax today. In case any of you failed to see it, I
wanted it front and center here. This
is well worth the read! Deb V
- The
Anatomy of Ignorance
Dr. Phyllis Unger
and Robert Unger, Esq.
Wednesday, Sept.
25, 2002
This article is the first in
a series that will discuss the horrifying state of American education. We will
focus on what is being taught and what is not being taught. We will delve into
who the teachers are and who trains them. What is the intellectual level of
those who become teachers? What are their SAT scores and educational
accomplishments or lack thereof? After all, in order to impart knowledge you
have to have knowledge. Is your child’s teacher an intellect or someone scraped
from the bottom of the academic barrel?
will explore whether there is a scientifically validated disease known as
ADD/HD or is it a fraud perpetrated on children and parents to increase funding
and profit for the education and drug industries. It’s time for the American
people to take their heads out of the sand and act like citizens of a republic
instead of lemmings going over a cliff.
parents realize that the American educational system is replete with
incompetent teachers and illiterate students. However, the incompetents are
never their kids’ teachers and the illiterates are never their kids. Well,
guess what; the literacy challenged are your kids.
Albert Shanker, former president of the American Federation of Teachers,
estimated that only 5 percent of college graduates can read at an advanced
level. Of course, few notice this because the SATs have been renormed to make
scores higher and standards have been lowered across the board. After all, if
you lower the rim enough, even a dwarf can dunk.
following books do an excellent job of documenting everything I say:
"Dumbing Down your Kids” by Charles Sykes, "The Conspiracy of
Ignorance” by Martin Gross, "Inside American Education” by Dr. Thomas
Sowell, "The Whole Language OBE Fraud” by Samuel Blumenfeld,
"Educating for the New World Order” by Beverly Eakman, and "Why
Johnny Can’t Read” by Rudolph Flesch. I suggest you read these books and then
more closely examine your child’s school.
bureaucrats, educrats, politicians and media mandarins jabber on about the
urgent need to further bilk taxpayers in order to help educate "our
children.” I have a brief response to them all; it’s the curriculum, stupid!
to Fail
reason why Americans are poor readers is quite simple; they were trained to be
poor readers. As Rudolph Flesch pointed out in his best-selling classic,
"Why Johnny Can’t Read,” children are instructed to read English as if it
were Chinese. English is an alphabetic language whereas Chinese is a pictographic
language. Why would anyone teach English as if it were Chinese? Aren’t they the
ones that care about "our children”?
English language is composed of 44 basic sounds known as phonemes. The letters
of the alphabet, either individually or in groups, correspond with these
sounds. The alphabet is a code, and the process of sounding out words is
therefore called decoding. Once you teach a first grader to make the
symbol-sound connection, he or she will read with relative ease. The only way
to really tell if your child can read is to place a new book in front of the
child and have him read out loud as you look over his shoulder.
all this may sound like plain common sense to you, but among members of the
educracy, common sense is commonly uncommon. Teachers’ colleges around the
nation routinely train these illiteracy producers to utilize a reading
methodology alternately known as "whole language,”
"psycholinguistics,” "look say” and whatever else the latest fashion
may dictate.
all of the foregoing terms have in common is that they do not teach the
symbol-sound connection in an intensive systematic manner. Instead, they have
kids memorize so-called "sight words” and guess the words they don’t
recognize from the context of so-called "clues.”
Disorder' Is a Teaching Disorder
clues can be pictures or other words that the child can recognize within the
sentence. As a result of this word recognition or whole language method, the
child will try to read a word the way he recognizes a familiar face. However, a
face doesn’t have to be recognized from left to right. As a result, words are
not decoded from left to right, and student victims of this horrible
incompetence are labeled "dyslexic” when they are really "teachlexic.”
course all of this so-called dyslexia spawns an ever-growing education blob.
Special-education funding increases incrementally as illiteracy increases
of course, this benefits the psych industry and the drug industry, both of
which profit from placing children on Ritalin. Never mind that studies have
shown Ritalin to be "more potent than cocaine.” Why should cold facts
stand in the way of warm feelings that come from making "our children”
more "manageable”?
Down Citizens ... and Voters
to think of it, illiteracy makes the population more manageable. Intelligent
people think in words. As the intricacy of vocabulary grows, so does the level
of abstract thought.
the other hand, as we dumb down the vocabulary, we dumb down the level of
thinking to that of an aboriginal tribe. It was the alphabet that greatly
contributed to the superior advancements of Western civilization compared to
those civilizations that drew pictures on cave walls.
highly literate individual has now become a threat to the establishment. After
all, an independent advanced reader doesn’t need to get his information from
the boobs on the tube such as Dan Blather. They can read Bernard Goldberg’s
expose of the CBS regime's biased propaganda, which CBS passes off to the Jerry
Springer crowd as news.
Samuel Blumenfeld’s excellent book "The OBE Whole Language Fraud,” Thomas
Sticht, assistant to former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, is quoted in the Aug.
17, 1987 Washington Post as follows:
companies have moved operations to places with cheap, relatively poor educated
labor. What may be crucial, they say, is the dependability of a labor force and
how well it can be managed and trained – not its general educational level,
although a small cadre of highly educated creative people is essential to
innovation and growth. Ending discrimination and changing values are probably
more important than reading in moving low-income families into the middle
Blumenfeld also quotes professor Anthony G. Oettinger, chairman of the Center
for Information Policy Research at Harvard University and a member of the
elitist Council on Foreign Relations, telling an audience of communications
executives in 1981:
idea of literacy, I am afraid, is obsolete because it rests on a frozen and
classical definition. Literacy, as we know it today, is the product of the
conditions of the industrial revolution, of urbanization, of the need for a
work force that could, in effect, ‘write in a fine round hand.’...”
the professor either doesn’t realize the fact, or wants to hide the fact that
we’ve become less literate since the Founding Fathers and it is the urban
public schools that have dumbed us down. God help us all if the elite
"cadre” of Messrs. Sticht and Oettinger turn us into their
"manageable” illiterate worker bees.
Phyllis Unger is a reading tutor and can be reached at (516) 829-8356.
Link to
original article - http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2002/9/24/185642.shtml
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