Month’s Study Page
Posted 07/20/02
Else Notice?
there has been an explosion of newly focused attention on the AIDS
epidemic. It is odd to me because the
attention, in the form of more news articles and television ads, seems to be
open ended with nothing more than producing a “new awareness” of the
condition. Few conclusions are drawn
and little in the way of new information is provided, save a few new statistics
on how effective treatment has been, how many people are not getting treated,
and the large number of people that are still contracting the disease after
almost a generation of “awareness.”
decided to make this a new Study Page issue and will only kick it off with this
posting. Please check back often for
updates and feel free to contribute. We
are going to look at several issues and sub-issues here that have sprung to
mind from observations of the above. A
rough outline of what I have in mind is listed below and may be added to later:
-AIDS obvious links to homosexual lifestyle with implications
leading to unfair protections for victims of AIDS, and outright discrimination
of potential victims.
-Current bio-terrorism concerns and what your government may have
in store for you if other much less devastating diseases are artificially
foisted upon America.
-Effects on the most vulnerable victims of government and
pharmaceutical terrorism in the form of mandated vaccinations.
that last one is where we are going to start because it has been a pet peeve of
mine for a very long time. It also
illustrates how completely a society can be brainwashed to accept that which
has very little basis in fact, and which also might be devastating to
well-being. Keep in mind as you study
the information that will be provided here, we are going to end up with
conclusions that will be a very ugly, but a very deserving indictment of the
socialist/communist agenda in this country.
I had only known over thirty years ago what I do today about the truth of
disease immunization, no child of mine would have ever received a single
vaccination. I have to wonder how much
healthier they all might be today if only I had been better informed. First, let me say that my children are all
healthy by today’s standards. The three
oldest went through the standard “required immunizations” in the dictated time
frames. I noticed while they were still
young that the immunizations were ineffective in preventing their acquisition
of some childhood diseases, and that they seemed to suffer far more acute
respiratory illnesses than my younger two children who did not receive all the
prescribed immunizations in the dictated time frame.
Anyone who subjects a newborn baby to the series of immunizations as they are prescribed is literally playing with their child’s life and health. The evidence is clear that the vaccinations against some of these diseases are much more harmful than the diseases themselves. As that became clear to me, I refused to subject my younger children to any immunizations until they were school age and it was mandated.
there are mandates for more immunizations that my two youngest, (still in
school) have not and will not receive.
For instance, the federally mandated Hepatitis B vaccination series is
required before children enter the seventh grade. I absolutely refuse to risk my children’s health to satisfy this
ridiculous mandate. Hepatitis B is a
sexually transmitted disease! Their risk of getting it is zero because they
have had the proper moral education to know that promiscuity is wrong! Talk about politically incorrect irritation
of sensibilities – where the hell does the federal and state government and the
socialist education system get off telling me that they EXPECT my child to be
sexually promiscuous, therefore, they MUST be immunized against this sexually
transmitted disease?
is a list of various links to information and articles on the subject of immunization. I believe there is quite enough here to
spark some independent thought on the subject.
We’ll take a look at the next parts of the whole question later.
Dispelling Vaccination Myths
– by Alan Phillips 1997
and later version - parent/guardians right
Specifically From This Site – - Early polio vaccinations
New Medical Awareness Seminars – From Article Above – Commercial, but perhaps good info.
Project Sunshine – Exposing Bio-warfare and Psych pharmacological Weapons -
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