The Big Kahuna keeps bringing in the talent! Enjoy the “Random Thoughts” of a most
interesting gentleman. You may contact
him here.
I hope my "random
thoughts" won't be too overbearing. I am a 10 year Marine veteran
who served proudly, including in Vietnam. I then became a Federal
Officer, with a specialty in intelligence, among other things for 30
years. I retired a few years ago after a 40 year career so I try to
be politically aware. I am told by some
that I skate on the razor's edge between balance and a radical
I love this country, I
prefer a Republic, not Marxism or "social democracy”, and I tend to be
very conservative on many topics, including: the value of life, duty, family,
accepting responsibility for ones' actions, honor, and justice. I seek
TRUTH in its many forms, but I believe many are afraid of it.
thanks to Robert Upton for the inspiration)
spirit of Christmas should be a spirit of Peace. Peace
is freedom from conflict. In Pakistan today the Muslim extremists have
"celebrated" the birth of the Christ by killing innocent people in a
hail of gunfire and an explosion. The Christ, unlike allah (sic), has
never told us to murder anyone. This is a major difference between us and
radical religious sects around the world. Jesus "tells" us to
reduce conflicts and promote Peace, not to kill all infidels
as is stated in the Qu'ran, aka Koran.
the first words of the "Sura of the Clot" are the first words which
were supposedly revealed to Muhammad. The "prayer" is contained
in the opening portion of the second and longest chapter of the Koran.
indeed; surely, if he gives not over, (to allah) (sic)
shall seize him by the forelock,
lying, sinful forelock.
let him call on his concourse!
shall call on the guards of Hell..." (96:1-19)
our personal lives we often create conflict by focusing on differences rather
than similarities. When we consider similarities, most differences often
become insignificant, unless the differences threaten our safety and our way of
life as outlined in the Koran.
Christians, some whom are Protestants, accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
In fact the man born into this world in Bethlehem over two thousand years
ago was named Yeshiva (Joshua) Ben Joseph and was later called Jesus
Christ by the Greeks. Jesus Christ is actually a title which means
"anointed savior". Jesus was a Jew. He represents Peace.
Lord's Prayer, given to all of us is the summarized message of the Christ.
This prayer taught by Jesus and revered by Christians is fundamentally Jewish.
It is an example of different religions worshiping the same God.
This is an example of Peace.
Roman Catholic Mass offers two daily readings. The first, typically from
Jewish scripture, or the Old Testament is followed by a gospel from the New
Testament. This is a promise from Jewish scripture, answered by
fulfillment from a Christian gospel. Different religions worshiping the
same God. This is an example of Peace.
because the existence of God can neither be proved nor disproved, personal
faith is necessary to accept His existence. Faith is the foundation of
all religion. By faith, Christians believe in the divinity of Jesus
Christ and celebrates His birth at Christmas. Yet the Lord's Prayer, the
core of Christianity, is a gift of Joshua, a Jew, from a Jewish prayer of
worship. Peace.
are some examples of apparent differences sharing remarkable likenesses,
worshiping the same savior in harmony, except in the Koran. Peace.
the spirit of Peace bring you and yours freedom from conflict.
Together, may we all, including our enemies, share
the Peace of Christmas. Jesus taught Love not Hate.
God bless us all!
environmentalists believe that man is destroying Mother Nature. Man is a product of Nature. She existed before him and will continue to
exist if Man becomes extinct. Mother
Nature has no “concern” with man at all.
She continues to evolve with or without the presence of Man. Further, in her fury, she destroys without
prejudice. She will just as soon drown,
or rip apart a forest animal in a flood or during a cyclone as she would
destroy a man.
his great conceit, Man believes he has the power to influence Mother
Nature. Nature can’t bind man by any
law. Nor can man change Nature by any
law. Therefore, once produced by
Nature, man is no longer in her grip.
He is now separate from her.
Even if man multiplied exponentially by four times his species, or
became extinct, he could not affect the Earth.
And the universe without man would not be the worst for it in any
is no credible evidence that proves that man with a spray can of deodorant, or
animals expending methane gas will destroy the ozone layer. Global Warming is another way of saying, the
earth is constantly changing. The earth
cycles itself, constantly moving from cold seasons, to hot seasons, and wet
seasons to dry seasons. It is the
normal course of Mother Nature’s evolution.
And it will continue with or without man.
plastic bag lying by the road side may be unsightly, but it won’t change the
course of the Earth’s orbit. Leaving a
“carbon footprint” by driving an SUV causes much less danger than a volcano,
created by Mother Nature, belching poisonous gases into the atmosphere. Liberal hugging trees will not save the
planet, nor appease Mother Nature.
are more trees on the planet now than ever in the history of the planet. Oxygen levels are not in danger. No matter
what “caring” liberals do, Mother Nature will still destroy at “will” by forest
fire, drought, flood, lightning, volcanic eruptions, pestilence, plague and,
all manner of ills released by Pandora’s Box (sic). And there is nothing man can do about it!
believe one is born homosexual, or a sexual deviate and no choices are
involved. Some even trumpet it as an
alternative lifestyle, and proclaim it to be normal. Yet there is no convincing factual evidence to support this
belief. Further, it precludes the
existence of free will. Normal defined
means that which is practiced by the majority of a group. Therefore, to a homosexual group, same
gender sex may be normal. But to a
heterosexual group, which is about 99% of the world’s population, homosexual
sex is a sexual deviation.
person can be born effeminate, if male, and masculine, if female, and they may
indeed be attracted to the same sex.
However, a choice has to be made to enact the same sex relationship. This is a choice based on free will. It is not something beyond one’s control, or
something decreed by nature. It is a
choice based upon sexual preference.
some in society, sex with children, or animals, or with inanimate objects is
what they prefer. Were they born this way,
or was it taught behavior? If they
enact this deviation, is society to believe that it is a normal alternative
lifestyle? Does it follow then that
prosecution for sex crimes is illegal?
It is
time for society to quit making excuses for sexual deviations, and recognize
that each individual chooses to enact that which “turns them on.” They were not created, nor born to be a
deviate. They choose by free will that
which they do. Therefore, any
consequences for their actions must be borne by them.
personal condemnation is implied nor discussed because each individual must be
responsible for their own actions.
Deviates are not victims to be patronized nor condemned. However, one should recognize that nobody is
born into an alternative lifestyle; it is a choice. To think otherwise is to deny free will, and without free will we
are all victims of Nature in a world filled with disorder and chaos.
want the young to "know" that our ancestors came to a foreign land
and ruined it. They killed the American Indians, forced Mexicans out of
the south-western states, stole the land, and began a new country based on
religious fanaticism (sic).
settlers began a Republic that resisted imperial rule by England, rejected
taxation without representation, and wanted religious freedom with separation
between church and state. They also wanted liberty and equality for all.
liberal rule we are taxed without adequate representation, we are a social
democracy, God is dead, and Freedom is being taken away by elected
Marxists. Further, the south-west is being given back, if not taken
back, by Mexicans, Blacks are accorded special treatment and subsistence, and illegal
aliens are welcomed in with open arms.
(sic) conservatives who believe "In God We Trust," love of country,
and patriotism are ridiculed. American culture as we once knew it is
being replaced with a "looks like America" political correctness.
White culture is being replaced with a mixing and blurring of racial
backgrounds. We are in the era of hyphenated Amerikans (sic) not
assimilated Americans.
children are being taught to act dumb, to lose rather than hurt someone else's
feelings. They are being taught to feel guilty because the are born White
and privileged (sic). They are being encouraged to adopt slang languages
rather than speak proper English. They push 2 for Espanol rather than
require all Americans to speak the language of the country, ENGLISH.
liberal "rule," and apathy, Americans are being worn down by
liberals. Abortion on demand, genocide, homosexuality, murder, dumbed
down education, political correctness, national guilt, and fear in the
face of our enemies is the new liberal "spirit" of Amerika
(sic). And many of us not only just let it happen. We promote
it with our eyes wide open, and our minds closed down.
Bless America.
Just a thought:
Have you ever seen an Asian mob scene in America? Have you ever
seen Asians run amok on the Chinese New Year for example? Have you ever
been threatened by an Asian street gang while you and your family walked in
downtown New Orleans, or anywhere else for that matter? Have you ever been
robbed, mugged or physically threatened by an Asian gang?
Have you really taken the time to dwell on the fact that Sheriff Harry Lee
is Chinese?
What is my point? Asians learn to survive in America by total
assimilation. They learn the language quickly, study assiduously,
usually reaching the top of their class. They are
hard working. They strive to be
professionals, i.e., nurses, doctors, engineers. Yes,
some own laundries and restaurants. But most of them
are extremely industrious. They abjectly refuse welfare contrary to
the belief of many of us.
They lived under Communism and don't want to return. Although
they may have no choice if a liberal President joins a liberal Congress.
Think about this when you vote.
A young Chinese female restaurant owner here in CENLA (central
Louisiana) moved from China, by way of Hong Kong, thru San Francisco, then
to New York where she lived for seven years. She is now well educated and
speaks English better than many American born citizens. She recently
opened a restaurant in Pineville.
I was speaking with her last week during my weekly visit to her
restaurant and she apologized for her "bad" English. I
replied: "my Chinese is much worse than your
English." She said: "This is America, we speak English
here!!!!!!! God bless that attitude. It generally
reflects the feeling of the Asian community as best as I can tell.
I also asked her about her home in China. She is from a small
independent farm in a very small community. I asked whether she missed
China. Her response was immediate. She said she loves her family
who are still in China, and she visits them about once a year. But she is
an American citizen and the U. S. is her home now.
Reflection on “The Great Wall” Of Mexico
The proposed wall between the United States and Mexico reminds me of Hadrian’s Wall between southern and northern Britannia during the first century A.D. Hadrian, the Roman emperor decided that the British tribesmen were causing too much of a strain on the empire, so he decided to wall them out of Roman territory. He had a 70 mile wall constructed dividing north and south Britannia.
result was that thousands of army troops were diverted from their main job of
protecting Rome to becoming builders and “border patrol” personnel. The troops before they began construction
of the wall in Britannia were lazy, and restless. Morale went down, and they lost their fighting edge. After they began to build the wall, they
regained a sense of worth, but they were still not being used as professional
British tribesmen who were on the Roman side of the wall harassed the Romans
unmercifully, and pressure on the Britain side of the wall increased. Eventually the Romans saw Britannia as a
lost cause, and after awhile decided it wasn’t worth fighting for. The Barbarians were allowed to enter the
gates of Roman territory. Cracks
appeared in Roman invincibility eventually leading to the downfall of one of
the great empires in the history of mankind.
Admittedly it took years to bring the empire down to its knees, but
Hadrian’s Wall may have been the signal that the end of the Roman Empire was
will use the Great Wall of China to support the “great wall of America” project. However, China maintains buffer states like
North Korea and North Vietnam to protect their borders. Further, the Great Wall never did provide
China with lasting protection from barbarian hordes. The “great” communist wall between East and West Berlin finally
fell also.
the United States wants to build a “wall” to block off Mexico, but it is a
waste of taxpayer money because many South Americans are already illegally on
our side of the proposed wall. Unless
immigration laws which are already in effect are enforced building a wall is
symbolism over substance.
know that illegal aliens, especially those from Latin America, are enraging
many in this country, but hopefully cooler heads will prevail, and a solution
based on enforcing the appropriate laws will be enacted. As an aside, why do so many United States
citizens go to Latin America on vacation, spending mucho ‘Yankee’ dollars
line, there are too many “walls” already.
Let us elect leaders who know and can enforce the proper solutions. Vote wisely.