Freedom Of The Eagle
Courage Of The Lone Wolf
American Heritage
Walk a Mile – Or Sit Down and Shut
Up! – 07/28/13
The media and the
government, especially those in high places, just won’t shut up about the
Zimmerman trial.
Freedom Of Speech? – 06/23/13
the Fight – 05/27/13
What was once common knowledge has been lost in a couple of
generations raised and indoctrinated away from common sense.
a Right – 05/27/13
If you are still living in a La-La Land of thinking that every
single Constitutional right we have in this country is not under attack,
reality is just not your thing I guess.
In the Closet – 02/24/13
The more I hear (or more correctly, DON’T hear)
about the September 11, 2012 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi,
Libya, the more furious I am with all arms of the government and especially the
Gun Free Zone – 12/30/12
I must first ask a pertinent question. Who believes that the Newtown shooter was
just a normal gun enthusiast who decided to go out for a little target practice
that fateful Friday morning?
Over the Cliff and Through the
Woods – 12/09/12
Ah, there’s nothing better than grabbing a big kettle of popcorn
and settling down to watch the drama (in real time) of a bunch of fools dancing
around on the edge of the cliff to nowhere and daring someone to knock them
Another Season Of Thanksgiving
– 11/23/12
In the days leading up to the election, Obama said that the best
“revenge” was to vote.
The Sex Trap – 11/17/12
I thought that would get your attention.
Logic Is NOT Persuasive –
Great news week,
huh? How’d y’all like that election
turnout and outcome? Anybody still have
faith that the system works?
Deadly Echoes From Bengahzi –
Anyone who believes
that our Commander-in chief or anyone directly under him concerned with foreign
affairs is not to blame needs to volunteer (along with the aforementioned) for
the front lines in our ongoing war on terror.
The Victimhood Of the GOP –
The “old guard”
Republican Party establishment is trying to pass itself off as a victim.
Conventional Differences –
I could have called
this piece, “Go ahead, make my day.”
And Behold a White Horse –
inspiration can come in the form of a subtle message.
The Show Me State Shows the Way
– 08/25/12
The irony of this
week’s political uproar shows just how far this whole country has drifted into
the darkness of ignorance, the squalor of moral relativism, and the absurdity
of American politics.
Owning Freedom Means Owning
America – 07/29/12
An In-depth study of
a complicated right that must be understood!
Story Time
Free country? – 07/04/12
He knocked on the
door. The dogs barked with all the
vigor they could muster – “danger, master, danger!” they seemed to say.
Increments Of Tyranny –
I wish I could say
that last week’s most infamous Supreme Court decisions surprised me, but I
really can’t.
Click It Or Ticket – 06/10/12
The old dictates of a “polite society” are
slowly killing America – or are they?
Time for another “inquiry into Obama’s eligibility” story.
War On Women – (The Real One!) –
One of these days,
each and every individual will find himself in that last day – the one they
won’t make it through.
I love good music – always have.
When an artist gets it right, it stays right for all time, and any copying
of it just doesn’t do it justice.
Fair Share – 01/21/12
Wow! Deliver me from another debate on taxes!
Change, Change, Change! –
It is hard to know
exactly the moment that the tide turned on America.
Scandalous – 11/27/11
Have we finally
decided in this country that character actually does matter?
The Season Of Thanksgiving –
If you are not opposed to praying for things you want, you should
always remember to pray in gratitude for all you have.
Democracy – 11/06/11
The Latest
Steppingstone To Shariah Law and/or Communism.
Learning From Fantasy –
Some of the very
best morality lessons written into modern literature and even TV and movie
scripts can be found in space fantasy.
Warfare – 10/08/11
My son reminded me recently that the easiest way to rile him up
is to question his knowledge, (with none of my own) on facts.
Superpower – 09/17/11
It will take due
diligence on an individual basis for the public to pull themselves up out of
the quagmire of ignorance and take their rightful place at the helm of this
Learning the Language . . . –
The mindset that
allows anyone to celebrate the continuing extension of borrowing to run our
government shows an unfathomable ignorance of reality.
Fear Mongering 101 – 07/24/11
Most of the “smarter
than thous” agree that the debt ceiling will and must be raised.
Logical Conclusions – 07/04/11
One thing you can never argue with is that
death is a logical conclusion to living a full life.
On Wings Of Nuts – 06/19/11
Ya gotta love how
the media grabs any chance to sound relevant these days.
After the Facts – 06/10/11
News junkies were
given a double dip of that sensational crowd pleaser recently – namely,
“breaking news!”
Defining the
Birther Issue – 05/01/11
My God, why did it
have to take a man like Donald Trump to bring this issue back in the forefront
of political commentary again?
America’s Biggest
Problems – 04/24/11
Believe it or not, we are being judged by the world on one simple
question: “How do you treat the weakest
among you?”
It’s Only Just Begun – 04/24/11
Okay, so Obama’s
running for reelection. No surprise
there, right?
Disneyland Is Out – 04/11/11
So we dodged the
bullet on last week’s highly touted “government shutdown.” Whew!
That was a close one, huh?
Want To Meet An American? –
I must pull back the veil of pessimism every now and then and
write something upbeat. There’s your
spoiler for this article.
Challenge to
conservative voters. This one is a real
thought piece, folks.
More and more of our
ancestors’ children are now waking on the shores of the continent about to be
drug out with the ebbing tide.
Understanding a Government Budget
– 02/26/11
It’s hard to survive
a fair fight when you can’t see what you are fighting, but it is especially
hard to win an unfair fight so blinded.
Cover Up – 02/17/11
Fast forward to this
time in our dangerous world where America has survived every plague upon it but
the one we are now facing.
Who can Define “Divisive”? Raise Your Hand – 01/30/11
To all you liberal, progressive, socialist, communist, and
otherwise ignorant citizens in this land of the so-called free:
I’d like to think
that ignorance, stupidity, and apathy are not “catching” as we used to say in
the old days. They are diseases, though,
and unfortunately they also must be communicable.
Another High Profile Shooting
– 01/10/11
Everyone needs to
comment on it. News agencies need to
dispatch a hoard of reporters and call in a plethora of analysts to give
wall-to-wall coverage of the event. The
victims, of course, get lost in the shuffle.
Tripping the learning Curve –
As we bid this year
a fond good-bye and welcome a fresh slate New Year, perhaps we should look at
resolutions that embrace achievable results from realistic efforts instead of
falling back on the usual pie in the sky, “wouldn’t it be nice” attitude most
folks take when daring to make resolutions at all.
Merry Christmas One and All –
Playing the Game Of Squabble –
Nothing is any more absurdly infuriating, yet
hysterically funny than watching our legislators and their enablers, (pundits,
media, and those total illiterates that make their way to microphones and
keyboards) play the game of Squabble over the tax code and other various
Okay, So Wiki Leaked –
Be careful what you wish
for if you are wishing for the government to go after the WikiLeaker above all
A Lame Duck Is
Still Just a Quack – 11/20/10
Deliverance from this incompetent, grossly
arrogant, criminally ignorant administration cannot come soon enough.
One More Absurdity
– P.S. Thank a Terrorist! – 11/13/10
Well, I have to
wonder just how long this uproar will last.
Who Are the
Uninformed? – 11/12/10
Uniformed or
blissfully ignorant? Sometimes it is
hard to tell.
Post Game Report
– 11/04/10
I must borrow and expand upon that infamous
utterance from Chris Matthews after Obama won the 08 election.
It Is A Lie – 11/01/10
Telling It Like It
Is – 10/31/10
It would be nice to
be able to read the headlines every morning – actually, on any given morning –
without having to have a barf bag handy.
The Answer – 10/11/10
Here is the answer
from my own unique point of view:
Why the Cross?
– 10/02/10
For most Christians
this symbol of truth is the simple cross.
Party Politics On
Life Support? – 09/21/10
The old party
politics just isn’t working as well this year.
Nine Years Later
– 09/11/10
The war of ideology had begun, but it wasn’t cut and dried, easy
to determine “sides” or agree on an enemy.
Get the Fish Fried
Already! – 09/11/10
While the American economy continues to swirl its way down the toilet,
in this summer of no recovery, American punditry has much bigger fish to fry –
or so it seems.
The Problem With
Religion – 08/23/10
An old saying came to mind as I heard the recent remarks made by
Senate majority leader, Harry Reid. . .
Using a Crisis
– 08/13/10
It all comes down to
power, doesn’t it?
Unbiased news
reporting is the responsibility of a true journalist . . .
Welcome to the race
against time. There is no justice,
fairness, or logic to it.
Mission Statement:
“Mission Scrubbed!” – 07/10/10
Does it bother
anyone else that space has been deemed off limits to America by our esteemed
Everybody’s Got the
Answer – 07/04/10
As we celebrate
Independence Day, perhaps we should ask another question:
Narrow Margin –
Supreme Court Votes To Uphold The Constitution
(Sort Of)
I wish to begin this by publishing photographs from my family
album that some could consider alarming – maybe even child abuse!
The latest word is that the financial restructuring legislation
we have to look forward to will be on Obama’s desk for signing by Independence
Day. What irony!
A comedy of errors!
The Overton Window –
Another Lesson On
the U.S. Military – 06/23/10
Okay, I’ll
bite. I’ll get in on the analysis of
General McChrystal”s command performance at the Whitehouse to answer to “the
one’s” ire . . .
Where Is the Truth?
– 06/19/10
Polls. Polls are an interesting thing, aren’t
they? Polls conduct votes. Votes represent opinions. Opinions are like . . .
Here’s An Idea – 06/13/10
Social Security and Medicare may still be that “untouchable”
third rail in politics, but it needn’t be the case.
Knock Knock, Is
Anybody Home? – 06/13/10
Attention! The enemy is at the gate!
America’s Natural
Born Disaster – 05/30/10
On the Friday before the Memorial Day weekend, the Whitehouse
decided to send out its “official” spin on the most recent scandal involving
“Sestakgate” or whatever other colorful descriptive you’d like to use to
describe the latest (known) illegal act in Washington that couldn’t squeak past
most of the media.
Analyzing Deepwater
Horizon – 05/25/10
The news media have gone out of their way to
present the event as a crisis of epic proportions.
Take Back America
– 05/23/10
It’s the lament of
conservatives all over the country. We
want our country back!
Slow News –
Slow news weeks don’t seem to exist any more,
but important news is very often slow to receive the attention that it
South Of What Border? –
Is there anyone who hasn’t sounded off on
Arizona’s attempt to enforce federal immigration laws by codifying them in
state law?
Taxing Decisions – 04/30/10
Once upon a time in a
galaxy far, far away someone proposed an alternative to the ungodly and immoral
income tax.
Blatant Ignorance
Or Deliberate Treason? – 04/06/10
The power mongers in the present administration
and congress are proving on a day-to-day basis that they do NOT have America’s
best interests at heart.
A Study In Conservatism vs.
Libertarianism – 04/04/10
It is a much easier
task to separate the liberal and conservative philosophies than it is to
separate conservative from libertarian.
Birthing an
Abomination – 03/28/10
Let’s think of this
as a kind of parenting article.
Understanding American Exceptionalism – 03/20/10
I would take it a
step further and say that our republic codifies liberty in law – and for that
America is exceptional.
A Day Late and a Dollar Short – 03/13/10
I suppose this piece
could be titled, Waking Up Is Hard To Do.
Unalienable Rights – 03/06/10
This just may be the most important issue NOT
being addressed today. Thinking caps
Why Is Healthcare Legislation So
Important? – 02/26/10
Their desperation is palpable.
It is as if they think it is their right as the party in power to sell
what they couldn’t sell back in the early nineties.
The Panda War – 02/19/10
I think we deserve something far more valuable
than a couple of pandas to stave off a world-wide nuclear war for the
foreseeable future.
Okay, so all this
modern language is cute enough, but let’s cut to the real meaning, shall we?
I’d like to think
that we are getting closer to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
truth about the man that currently occupies the Oval Office.
Since the education
system in this country obviously isn’t doing its job, we “alternate educators”
must step in every now and then and clarify basic definitions.
For thirty-seven years now we have lived with the effects of the Supreme Court decision known as Roe v Wade.
Anyone who professes to be a caring human soul cannot watch the pictures and stories of devastation coming out of Haiti since the January 12th earthquake and not “feel” something profound.
The only healthcare
reform that will make our system better is less – not more government
It just keeps
getting better all the time! Or as my
kids like to say, “The Hits Just Keep On Comin’!”
As our nutcase lawmakers, (what a joke) labor behind closed doors to hash out what they plan to dish out to the American public via the so-called “healthcare reform legislation” it should be evident to anyone with at least a pea-sized brain that these folks do not work for us!
It is often said that the Christmas Season is
among the most perilous times for those challenged souls facing any kind of
adversity. Suicide rates supposedly go
up and fragile psyches are stretched to their limits as they succumb to the
“poor me” syndrome.
Unless you are just crawling out of your hibernation cave, or you
still haven’t come down from your hoepy-changy high brought on by the election
of Mr. Fundamental Transformation, you have probably heard of the Cloward-Piven
Strategy. Please tell me most of you
reading this already know what that is.
Science and Aging
– 12/08/09
There is one unmistakable
advantage to growing older. You have
collected more first-hand data on which to base hypotheses than the younger
generation has managed to accumulate.
Coverage of the War
– 12/05/09
We waited in great
anticipation to hear the president’s final decision on the upcoming new “surge”
in Afghanistan. Coverage of the
decision was, as usual, completely overdone.
His announcement was just another photo-op.
Warming by the Fire
– 11/26/09
Fallacies Of Modern
America – 11/21/09
For all citizens who
can read, I ask you to digest this text with your eyes wide open. I also ask that you share it with the
shameful growing numbers of people who cannot read.
Health In Crisis
– 11/01/09
I invite you to
answer my indictment.
Why It Hurts –
I read a story last
week that hurts. It should hurt every
American who reads it. Military
chaplains are “speaking out” in Afghanistan “because the troops can’t”
according to the story.
Awakening? –
I’ve wanted to do
this piece for some time now. About a
year ago my son introduced me to a musical group that I had never heard
of. Now, since he was barely eighteen
at the time, you’re probably saying, “Wow!
Big deal that a teenager would have musical tastes that his much older
mom wouldn’t necessarily share or even know about.” Well, folks, you don’t know this particular teenager.
Keeping a Close
Check – 09/28/09
As our government
bureaucracy has grown, so has the professional field of lobbying. If ever there was a more useless calling for
an individual to pursue, I can’t figure what it would be.
The Race War – 09/17/09
Okay, I know I’m supposed to base all my opinions on everything
that happens around me, in my country, to my country, or effecting my
children’s future on the single issue of race, but I dare take my leave of that
folly and proclaim that bad things happen because of bad character – not race!
A Question Of Decorum –
Excuse this meager
poetic attempt to respond to Congressman Joe Wilson, D-SC, and his moment of emotional
outburst this week during Obama’s address to Congress.
Deficient American – 09/04/09
Suppose we take a
page from the Science
book and extend its instructive qualities to the process of describing an
the Birther Story Is Important – 08/30/09
What if I told you that the fate of America rests on the
outcome of the controversy over Obama’s eligibility? Read more
to the Other Side – 08/22/09
What makes America work?
Story Time – 08/22/09
New Feature with an invitation to write one yourself!
This one is “Stranger Than Fiction, Like Driving In a Fog.”
AHCA Of 2009 – 08/11/09
Culture Of Royalty – 08/10/09
The workings of an individualist mind.
Commercialism – 08/09/09
Types Of Racists – 08/03/09
Let’s play cards!
Obama Has Yet To Have To Prove
He’s a Citizen – 07/23/09
Medical Crisis In America –
Fixing This Limited Government
– 07/13/09
This is what it
would take.
No Wonder About Palin –
Or Understanding
Divided – Or Just Trapped In
Ignorance? – 07/05/09
Thinking cap time.
Icons In One Week – 06/27/09
How do you like the media’s handling?
To Love? – 06/20/09
Exploring the only natural enemy of hate.
Office Of the Presidency – 06/09/09
The office is in trouble . . .
Real Health Care Crisis In America – 06/08/09
the Birth Certificate? – 06/01/09
Truth Not Told – 05/31/09
There are none so blind . . .
Poem to commemorate Memorial Day 2009
the “New Vets” – 05/15/09
They deserve no less!
the U.S. Military Veteran - 05/09/09
Exploring the Pirate
How difficult can it
I have a bone to
pick. If the shoe fits . . .
Who are they really?
Have you ever
thought about it?
It’s the Principle Of the Thing
Some advice and a
question – what do you really own?
Just stirring the
pot of insensitivity to mock suffering.
It’s given way to
drama, of course!
And a lot of both is
out there!
Personal insight of
Illinois politics.
The Ministry Of Truth –
As promised, the follow-up
article. Read it if you dare.
Outnumbered – 12/23/08
From the Bottom Up
– 11/26/08
Great economies are not grown from the bottom up,
but abusive governments certainly are.
The Ministry Of
Plenty – 11/26/08
Leaning left means
leaning toward government dependency, social irresponsibility, cultural
amnesia, and a general promotion of behavior modification over principled
education. That’s what it means - and
none of those things defend individual freedom and prosperity. (See my free offer contained in this
Outmoded Principles
Or Fundamental Americanism – 10/28/08
As mainstream
America watches helplessly while government representatives push to Nationalize
more and more of the economy and financial institutions, we see the Godless
religions of liberalism and socialism/communism taking over the last vestiges
of the most successful and free government the world has ever known. I would have chosen not to see it in my
Proof –
Just as I have no
patience for people who argue against the wisdom of believing in the existence
of a Creator, I have no patience for those who allow depression to overrule
their own happiness. In short, proof
exists to support my views of all who would fall into either of these two
Dr Franklin – 09/29/08
An honest look at the worst human addiction.
Value Of the Individual –
Women, minorities, listen up!
A Spoonful Of Sugar – 09/10/08
An endorsement you can believe in.
Private Sector and Job Creation
– 09/10/08
Just the facts, ma’am!
Understanding the Mindset –
This MUST be understood once and for all!
The Meal – 08/26/08
Let’s try putting it this way…
The Declaration – 07/05/08
Celebrating our independence.
Atrocities Of Morality – Six Years
Later – 07/05/08
Old news is still new news.
Rambo – 06/07/08
In My Unsolicited Opinion
Who Cares? – 06/06/08
Time travel anyone?
Three Strikes – 06/05/08
Peanuts and crackerjacks anyone?
Through the Lens Of Happy Endings –
My salute to Charlton Heston
Talking and Listening –
For Fun and Profit
Picking and Choosing –
Our Moral Dilemma
Separating Church and State –
Deficit of Decency and Divine Guidance
“Racing” For Power – 04/05/08
The real story and the speech
A History Lesson – 03/15/08
Of Birds and Schemes and Peaceful Dreams
Ode To Spirit – 03/15/08
Remembering what America is all about
Defining Hope – Maybe It’s Change
– 02/24/08
Who’s defining the rhetoric?
Up For Grabs – 02/24/08
The largest slice of the power pie.
A Funny Thing Happened . . .On the Way To the Throne – 02/08/08
Ranting from a unique point of view.
Shock Proof – 01/19/08
Read it and weep!
The Science Of Campaigns –
Would the electorate vote for this?
Can I Get Change For My Two Cents?
– 12/28/07
The best conservative candidate since Reagan!
Medicating For Immediate Effect
– 12/24/07
Losing our minds and losing sight of the goals.
The Cheap Seats – 12/24/07
Watching the race they want us to see.
On the Moral Issues – 11/15/07
A clear view of what should be driving the presidential race.
I Want Insurance For Children
– 11/15/07
Everybody else should too!
Professional Parenting Articles –
from the home page.
A Positive Thought – 06/15/07
If we don’t
like what we see, we must continue to let them know it.
Destruction Of Republican Party
– 06/04/07
Rush Limbaugh has stated that the results of passage of the current bill being haggled out in Congress would be the destruction of the Republican Party.
What’s New? – 05/26/07
NOT the Illegal Immigration Issue!)
the “new” proposed legislation to once and for all “handle” the illegal
immigration problem floods the airwaves, cyberspace, and all those dead trees
called newspapers, I’m reminded of that old definition of insanity – “doing the
same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” One thing is for sure, then – Washington is
full of folks suffering from insanity!
Electing vs. Selecting –
An exercise in responsibility!
Portrait Of A Traitor –
With change to spare?
Morality By Proxy – 04/19/07
Lest we continue to give a pass to evil by placing blame where it
doesn’t belong.
Imus Comment – 04/19/07
Slip of the tongue, or slip of the culture?
Rights, Lefts and Truths –
Have a heapin’ helping of truth that shines through recent events. Pelosi fans, read it and weep!
Liberal Audacity vs. Conservative
Virtue – 03/17/07
The perils of an uneven playing
field are obvious.
A Celebration Of
Easter - 2007
A Special Easter Message
Reality vs. Fantasy – 02/28/07
We could call this one, Truth and Lies, but the Oscars are over and the
awards have been given for Fantasy, so can we get on with Reality now?
What Might Be the Motive? –
My comments on the miscarriage of justice in the Border Patrol Agents
story – it stinks to the high heavens!
The Real State of the Union –
My analysis may be a little late, but I’ll guarantee it’s original!
In Search Of Peace – 01/20/07
Americans who claim to be “war weary” could use a lesson in
unselfishness – and reality.
If You Were There – 01/12/07
A change in Iraq, more troops, new strategy?
Same old strategy from the enemy though. Try my scenario.
Policy and Theorists –
It’s a new year with new problems – but the old ones haven’t gone
away. Policy and Theorists deals with
analyzing a couple of them.
The Nativity Story – 12/19/06
I’ve read some pretty negative reviews on this one – not unlike the
negative attitudes expressed world-wide in the name of religion. My advice: read this, then do yourself a
favor and buy a movie ticket this season!
The ISG Report – 12/07/06
Getting from pessimism to victory should be important – but what did we
Tip-Toeing Through the Controversy
– 12/06/06
Keith Ellison and canceling out the oath.
Do we grin and bear it?
A Dark Rant On Gridlock – 12/04/06
Am I the only one who sees more than a little insincerity in the
warning of gridlock?
Negotiating For What? –
Wheeling and dealing with America’s heritage treasury will result in disaster. And what we get for it will be anything but
the peace that so many are calling for.
Thanksgiving 2006 – 11/22/06
On this most religious holiday, let us give thanks. God Bless You one and all!
What Is A Majority Anyway? –
Another dive into the polluted waters of party power politics.
America’s New Direction –
With the mid-term elections of 2006 now over, the winners have declared
their intentions to lead America in a “new direction.” It’s a “new” old direction, and we’ve been
there before.
The Homestretch – 11/04/06
Another Ridiculous October
Surprise – 10/25/06
The Essence Of Politics –
Threat Assessment – 10/13/06
Getting It Right – 10/13/06
Is the Party Over? – 10/05/06
The Right Stuff – 09/28/06
Representing American Policy
Get A Grip On Reality and Religion
– 09/21/06
Bully For the Bully Pulpit –
By George, By God, Go for It!
September 11, 2001 – 09/11/06
So You Want To Be An Isolationist?
Glenn Ford and the Old Hollywood
– 09/09/06
Senate Power – Competition 2006
– 09/01/06
House Power – Competition 2006
– 09/01/06
Recently published article in the new link
American Thinker – Stone
Cold Leftist
Immediate Gratification – 08/27/06
Void Of Critical Thinking
Clipped Wings – 08/18/06
Study Of Globalists – 08/12/06
& the
Media War – 08/01/06
Sean Hannity, Deliver Us From
Evil – A Book Review – 08/01/06
Hillary In 2008? – 07/26/06
Half Way Down The Slippery Slope
– 07/20/06
World War III? – 07/17/06
Democracy By Default - 07/13/06
Fireworks and Candy Make Me IL
Ann Coulter’s “Godless” – A
Book Review
Ask The Soldier – A Poem
Damn the Torpedoes – “Eye Of
the Tiger”
What’s Driving the Gas Price
A View From the Past –
Currently Legitimate
Happy Tax Day – “The Way It
The Brainwashing Of A Doomed
Illegal Aliens – The Serious
One More Attempt At Defining
Pre-Election Prediction – 10/31/04
Guns and Motherhood – 10/22/04
Home On the Range – Deborah Venable’s tribute to Ronald Reagan –
Attitudes – 06/05/04
No Evil, See No Evil – Just Say It! – 06/05/04
Perfect Leader – Looking both directions. – 12/19/03
Christmas Gift – From Deb V - 12/19/03
Beat Goes On – Part II of the previous rant – 11/17/03
the Law and Chief Justice Roy Moore – Part I - 08/16/03
Tax Me More, Or Tax Me Not – How many petals are left? – 08/05/03
You Forgotten? – Well, Have You? – 07/20/03
Was The Week That Was – 06/22/03
Please! – Staged politics plus inconsistency equals one-party! – 06/08/03
& Party Politics – Expanding On Individualism vs. Collectivism –
vs. Collectivism – I call ‘em as I see ‘em! - 05/18/03
Big Happy Country – Including Slavery: Setting the Record Straight by Steve
Quick – 05/04/03
Logic To Politics – 04/27/03
Diversity – A dangerous plank in the Democrats’ platform – 04/19/03
Do We Tell Them? – The world is watching.
Harm’s Way – From the heart! – 03/06/03
Concept Of Individual Rights – A
lesson that needs to be learned. – 02/21/03
Emotional Event – Focus, focus, focus! – 02/14/03
Case For War – 2/09/03
– 2/01/03
State Of America – What Americans needed to hear – 1/29/03
Powers That Be – 1/18/03
the Chocolate Covered Nut –
Given Rights – What does freedom mean?- 12/30/02
Mean Things – Can you say “Freedom”?- 12/13/02
and the Puppeteers – The Season Is Now
Thanksgiving – For who we are and where we are!
Cost Of Ignorance – Please take the time for this one, folks!
Veterans’ Day – My Salute!
Reason Governments Fail – Who makes the decisions?
Out The Vote – Inspiration 2002 – Special Page Archive
Race Card Is Hereby Dealt – A Rant and Rave
Shadows Of Babylon – A Review
Case Against Socialism and Public Education –
Those Names – A Visit To The “Moving
Insecurity Of Social Security –
Finally Got It Right! – A Review of “We Were
– The March Is On! –
It’s The Morality, Stupid! –
Really A Rant – Update To All
God – Oops! There’s THAT Word
Service – Does Not Answer The Abuse
Of & To Military Service
From The Flagpole – I Am A Symbol – Happy Birthday, America!
God – Is this the line in the sand?
World Order Depends On World Disorder –
Basics Of Anti-Terrorism –
The Second
Amendment Revisited –
Our Obvious Enemies –
From Santa – Deborah Venable – 12/15/02
Zero Sum Economics – Predates
this site – originally published elsewhere 03/12/02